Chapter 27

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Jungkook was eating his breakfast today at his house, his phone keep ringing from last night and showing unknown number. He didn't answer it and don't want to answer it! Yeah, he don't know who it is but he didn't care. Who should it be? nothing important.

He take a big bite of the bread before his phone ringing again makes he sighing in annoyed. He turn off the phone, continue eating and really want to ignore.

"Must be one of the bitches." He mumbled and shooking his head. Yeah... the girls must be searching and wanting him again and again. It's already one year he stop fucking around. So what?! Please stop searching for him already huh!

His house's door suddenly knocked by someone as he quickly rush towards the door and open it. His eyes slightly widened seeing it's Jin and Nayeon. He look at jin and make a questioning face which jin just raising his eyebrows a little.

"Let's get in." Jin said and look at nayeon with a grin. Jungkook gulping and give a way for them to get inside his house before the three of them walking and take a sit on the couch at the living room.

"So... what's wrong hyung?" He ask and raising his eyebrows.

"Nothing.. Just randomly want to visit you." Jin said makes nayeon nodding to him.

"Yeah. I want to see your house too! Since i think you might like my sister?" Nayeon said makes jungkook and jin eyes widened. Jungkook raising his eyebrows a little and really in shock, looking at nayeon's face. Nayeon giggled.

"What? didn't you like tzuyu? I will support you though~!"
She giggle again but jin and jungkook already gulping.

'Yeah, you might support jungkook because you don't know everything nayeon-ah!'

Jungkook quickly nodding to her facts.

"Yeah.. I like her!" Jungkook said make nayeon smiling.

"I see.. I trust you jungkook-ah. And yeah, i mean not only me, all the girls already trust you and your friends. Don't break the trust huh?" Nayeon laughing without knowing what she said is really makes jin and jungkook more afraid.


'You don't know about me noona. That's why you agreed if i'm with tzuyu.' Jungkook thought and gulping but he still mantain his smile. His eyes keep glancing to jin, as the two of them really afraid and didn't know what to do anymore. If they tell the truth, of course the girls will hate them. but... they need to take a risk right?

Better than lying like this.

"By the way.. Where is tzuyu? house?"

Nayeon shooking her head and shrugged his shoulder.

"Someone fetch her up just now. They want to go hang up? I don't remember his name!"

"His? A guy?!" He ask while furrowing his eyebrows and clenching his jaw.


"Aish..." He grinding his teeth in annoyed and mad. Freaking annoyed. He already warned her many times don't being with another guy! What so difficult?!

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