Chapter 24

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They walk beside each other and jungkook glancing to her for a second before his eyes focusing to the front. He saw the two men already standing still, waiting for him. He actually afraid because he know, she must getting too much attention from any men! Yeah right.. she's freaking pretty! How can men not fall for her at the first sight!

"Oh Mr Jeon Jungkook!" Jaehyun smiling and giving a fist bump with him before glancing to tzuyu.

"Who's there? Who is this pretty huh Jeon jungkook." The other man, Eunwoo glancing to her too as the two guys staring onto her makes she biting her lower lips.

Jungkook quickly stepping in front of her, make she standing behind him. Jungkook chuckled and grabbing Jaehyun and eunwoo shoulders.

"Let's go! We will have a lunch and discuss about that project!" He dragging the two guys but the two of them still glancing behind, want to look at her.

"Ughh" Jungkook trying hard to dragging them, while tzuyu just slowly following them from behind. They get inside the restaurant and take a sit while jungkook ofcourse take a sit beside her. Jaehyun and Eunwoo was sitting in front of them. They can't take their eyes even a second from her.

Jungkook clear his throat makes the two flinched and look at him.

"Order the food now and i want to going back as soon as possible. I'm quiet hot here." He said and tilting his head a little in annoyed. Tzuyu just stay silent, looking down and biting her lower lips. Slightly embarrassed and uncomfortable. They order some foods as jungkook look at her and leaning his head to her ear a little.

"What do you want to eat baby? Me?" He whispered slowly and smirking a little to his own joke. She quickly look at him, making her mad face as he just raising his eyebrows

"just. The. Same.As. Yours." She said the word one by one means she want to show him that she didn't like his joke. He smiling and nodding a little before continue ordering.

after done ordering, jaehyun suddenly clear his throat.

"Ehem! Does you still single miss?" Jaehyun ask in his cool and act like he was a really macho man. Jungkook squinting his eyes and then look at her which earn a little smirk from her.

"Hm? Yes. Single and really really available." She purposely said that with a tint smile. Jungkook slightly eyes widened,raising his eyebrows and clenching his jaw.

"Oh really?! Good to know." Jaehyun smiling widely and glancing to eunwoo, raising his eyebrows. Yeah... they obviously want to try her.

Jungkook's hand sneaking onto her thigh, roaming on it makes she gulping and grinding her teeth. she bit her lips to hold it and her hand quickly hold his hand that holding her thigh. She look at him and shooking her head a little while still holding his hand to stop him from roaming his hand on her thigh. Jungkook smirking. He's satisfied.

The foods is coming as the guys keep talking with her makes jungkook didn't leave her hand from her thigh at all. He still squeezing, rubbing and tapping while his other hand was eating! Huh!!!

Her hand also still holding his hand, while the other is eating too. She can't help but too feeling this touch,getting flustered and even make a face which makes the two other guys in weird.

'You can't being flirty with other guys, tzuyu'

PS: Want more update for today? 😳😳🥺🥺🤔🥰🥰

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