Chapter 8

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They already arrived at the mall as the girls happily searching for clothes, bags and others. Jungkook walk to tzuyu and smiling seeing how excited she was in searching the clothes.

"You want this?" He ask makes she look up at his face. She glaring in annoyed to him before rolled her eyes and walk away from him. Jungkook sigh seeing her really that hate towards him. She didn't know that he was that guy and she already hate him. If she knows? She must be shrieking and hating him more right? He afraid too. Afraid if she know that he was that guy, she will getting mad and don't want meet him anymore. But.. he need to tell her too no matter what. Soon.

After for a while, his hyungs and the girls lined up to pay the clothes as Some of his hyungs were voluteered to the girls to pay it.

"I will pay it." Jungkook said to tzuyu, staring at her face. She sigh deeply in annoyed and glaring to him.

"Can't you get off from my sight huh???!!!" She ask in annoyed.

"Okay then, if you don't want." He walk to the cashier.

"E-erm guys!! I will pay for all of you! It's my threat!" Jungkook shout to all of them. He doing this just to pay for tzuyu.


"Should I add more???!!"

All her unnies say makes tzuyu groaned in frustrated. She can't reject this as if she reject it, her unnies will getting suspicious of her hatred towards jungkook. She glare to him but he just smirking and raising his eyebrows before handing his credit card to the cashier.

"Thankyou jungkook!" Jihyo said to him as he just nodded and walk together with all of them including his hyungs.

"Good game kook!" Jimin whispered to him and he just raising his eyebrows proudly.

"U-unnie.. I want to go to the washroom for a while!" She said and handing the paper bag to Momo. She walk away as jungkook just look at her figure.

"Hyung. You go first okay." He said and tapping Jhope shoulder before walk to followed her. He wait for her in front of the woman washroom before she get out from it and stunned seeing he was waiting for her.

"Hi my baby." He smile and raising his eyebrows. She rolled her eyes and wanted to walk away but he quickly grab her hand, pulling her closer to him.

"Why did you really hates me?" He ask and tracing his finger at her lips, staring at her.

She gulped and look away, not looking at his eyes.

He hold her chin and give a peck on her lips makes her heart thumping not like usual. All of the people that walk beside them watching how sweet they were. He wrapped his arms at her waist and bend his head again before landed his lips on her. He slowly move his lips but she did not responded to it. She still froze at her spot. What should she do? He's too good to push away.

'Not like that guy from the nightstand.' She thought as He bite her lower lips and slid his tounge to suck on her lips. She slowly lost of his passionate kiss as she started to respond to it. He smirking between the kiss when she respond to it. The kiss become sloppier and he slowly broke the kiss. She breath heavily and hiding her face.

"I think you should not asking me to go away from you when you really like my kiss." He said to tease her and smirking. He tapped her cheeks a little before winking and walk away from her, going to his hyungs.

She walk to her unnies again with a weird and stunned after what happened just now. She feels much more good, familiar and he really can make she lost. Why did she feels like this? Who is him actually?

"What are you doing for about 10 minutes huh??!!" Sana ask her but her eyes was meeting to his eyes. He was smirking makes she gulped and look down on the ground.

"Are you sick or what?? You're red!" Mina said and touch her cheeks. In the other side, Jungkook was giggling.

"I-i'm n-not! It's j-just hot here!" Tzuyu said to convince her unnies. They shooking their head and heading to going back.

"Let's going back!" Jhope shout and they all walking together, without knowing what happened between this two. Her mind keep thinking many questions. Why?! Why he feel really familiar for her?!

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