Chapter 18

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After what happened, Tzuyu seems really confuse and feeling really worried at the same time. Her feelings towards him getting bigger day by day, and her unnies still didn't know about this. She still pushing him away but yeah, always lose and melting when it comes to his touch. She actually didn't want to getting fooled by him again. He is such a jerk but... she fall for him too.

He just make she feels so good. She need to move on no matter what. It's getting more bad if she didn't move on and keep doing this intimate relationship with him.

Tzuyu gulping and zoning out alone at the cafe that placed only beside the company building. She keep thinking of this. She don't want getting fooled by him because he just a fuck boy but... her body want him. Her heart also 50 percents want him, other 50 percents hating him. Because of the past. The fact that he leaving her alone after fucking her, didn't search nor asking for her condition.. amd what worse is... she pregnant but he didn't there is really hurt for her.

Jungkook still in the same condition. He didn't know that she had pregnant his baby before. He didn't know anything about her and so do her- didn't know anything about him too.

Both of them is clueless about each other.

Suddenly Yugyeom coming and knocking the table a little makes she flinched and look up to his face.

"oh yugyeom!" She smile as he giving a smile too before taking a seat in front of him. He studying her face and could see she has something that bothering her mind.

"What's wrong? Having problems? About work? or not?" Yugyeom ask and staring onto her. She raise her eyebrows a little and shooking her head before make a fake smile.

"No.. I just.. Thinking about my parents?" She lie and chuckled. Yugyeom raising his eyebrows and just nodding while staring deeply into her pretty face. He can't help but to staring without noticing that she notice this.

"Ehem! What's wrong?" She suddenly clear her throat and wiping her face, thinking that something must been on it. He shook his head and chuckled.

"Don't want to get inside the office? Lunch time will end in 5 minutes." Yugyeom said makes she nodded and stood up. They walk together to the company building without knowing there is a pair of eyes glaring deeply towards them. It's jungkook. He tilting his head a little and fixing his neck tie in annoyed. He walk, follow them from behind.

Tzuyu and yugyeom getting inside the lift as jungkook suddenly block the lift from closing and get inside the same lift makes she immediately become nervous. Her eyes slightly widened as he glaring and smirking a little.

"Mr. Jeon." Yugyeon bow and smiling as jungkook just nodded and standing behind tzuyu. Yugyeom just standing beside her! The lift close as its start to move and the situation getting really awkward. Jungkook purposely standing really close behind her make she could feel his hard bulge. She gulping as his hand start to holding her waist.

A smirk plastered on his lips as he know what he did to her. Tzuyu suddenly stepping forward makes yugyeom look at her and holding her hand, thinking that she want to fall down.

"Are you okay?!" Yugyeom ask makes jungkook glaring deeply in mad. He yank yugyeom's hand away from her and glaring deeply onto his face. Yugyeom slightly raising his eyebrows when seeing this action of jungkook. He know how jungkook's attitude and behaviour is. He know how jungkook actually is a fuck man then slowly become a cold man without knowing why jungkook change like that. It's shock him too when seeing jungkook this mad when he touch tzuyu.

Yugyeom gulping as jungkook then look at tzuyu. She already look down in embarrassed and nervous because of what jungkook did to her. The lift door suddenly open as tzuyu quickly running away from the two of them. She don't want Yugyeom to know about them. And.. Jungkook's behaviour just now will make he suspicious of something!

Jungkook glancing to yugyeom for a second with a deep gaze before walk away from the lift to his office room. It's make yugyeom really weird right now. What happened between these two?

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