Chapter 6

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They going back to their own room as tzuyu didn't thinking about him at all. After taking a shower, she walk to the balcony and seeing a guy was wearing only a short pants, standing still at the balcony. Yes, it's none other than jeon jungkook.

Jungkook could feel she was there as he immediately turning his body, staring at her while she quickly averted her eyes away. Her cheeks already reddened seeing his toned, well built body.

"What's your name ms?" He ask again while staring deeply onto her. She didn't answer as she rolling her eyes and walk inside the room again. He tilting his head a little and clenching his jaw in frustrated. He keep missing her for one year already and now, she didn't talk nor glance to him!

He gulping and feeling needy only when he thinking about her. He can't. He need to do something. He get out from his room and when to her room, knocking the door twice. Yes, he just go to her room without putting any shirts!

"Who's that?!" She shout from inside but he didn't answer. She furrowed her eyebrows and walk to the door, open it make her eyes widened. She was about to slammed the door but he was quick enough to block the door and get inside her room. She gulping and stepping backwards as he locking the door and walking forward towards her.

"W-WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" She shout and keep stepping backwards until hit her back onto the wall. He smirking and still walking towards her, trapping her body between his arms.

"I want you." He whispered makes a shiver down onto her spine. She hit his arm but he quick enough to grab her waist and immediately kissing her roughly. She resist and still hitting him at his chest but he didn't budge at all. A tears rolled down onto her cheeks as she remember again what happened to her before with that unknown guy.

"Stay still baby." He mumbled between the kiss with his husky voices and stroking her hair a little makes she slowly calm down and gripping his chest, leaving a red scratch on it.

His rough kiss slowly to become passionate and she can't help but to slowly lost into it. She feels like she was getting spelled and started to respond to his kiss. A familiar arms holding her and getting to feel familiar with all of his actions, his voices.. including his kiss.

He suck her lips, biting and swirl his tongue to explore her lips more.

"mmhh.." He hummed and started to lift her up makes she hugging him like a koala. They didn't broke the kiss even for a second as tzuyu gripping his head at the back and pulling him more closer to deepened the kiss. It's make he smirking. Smirking as he know she getting needier for him. He walk to the bed and put her on the bed slowly, hovering on top of her and keep kissing her.

He could feel his dick was getting hard after for a long time didn't together with any girls. His hand started to sneaking inside her shirt makes she flinched a little because of his cold hands touching her bare skin. He unbutton her shirt one by one before slowly broke the kiss and pull his head, staring onto her upper body.

She gulping and so do him. He can't help but to keep staring deeply at her body that can make he become crazier! Her cheeks already flushed and gulping seeing his toned abs and muscles. Her mind keep thinking something familiar.

'What is this feelings?'

"Like it hm?" He suddenly ask with a smirk. She gulping and really fought the urge to touch his abs. She keep slapping herself of doing this but she can't!

She ran her fingers on his stomach, feeling the toned abs makes he breathing heavily. He bend his head again, kissing her on her lips and down onto her jaw and neck. He bitting her neck, sucking it make she whimper and closing her eyes tightly. She moan softly makes his member more erect. He really miss this sounds of her..

His kiss trail to her collarbone while his hand is sneaking, pulling her pants down slowly.

"What is your name baby" He whispered sexily makes she gulping and could felt she getting wet only with that question.

"T-tzuyu" She answer makes he smirking more since he finally know her name after for so long searching for her! His lips going up to her lips again, kissing her while his hand still working to take off all of her clothes and also his pants. They finally naked as he tracing his fingers in circle motion at her stomach and hips makes she look up. Her lips parted while Jungkook staring onto her with full of lust.

He stop tracing his fingers, put the condom and staring onto her. She gulping, her cheeks flushed and staring into his eyes too. She really feel weird of her own feelings because she keep feeling something familiar. His eyes, lips, arms.... Really familiar to her.

He started to attacked her neck again makes she moan softly and he become more greedy this time. He spread her legs as she immediately grabbing his neck in nervous. She feel this is wrong! But... She need him. She need him to be inside her.

"Moan my name baby. Jungkook. Jungkook is my name." He whispered before slowly pushing his erect member inside her core. She hugging him, feeling his tone back muscles while arching her neck but Jungkook still can't get inside her fully.

"Oh fuck baby, you're fucking tight." He groaned between his moan and pushing his member fully this time makes she slightly shout.


A tears rolled down to her cheeks as he pulling her and planting a kiss on her neck again. He didn't move at all, worried if she will getting hurt but she become needier. She buck her hips up and kissing his neck makes he groaned. He slowly started to moving in and out as she moaned softly at his ear.

"Ahhh kook... Ahhh~"

He smirking and pulling out his dick before slamming back inside hardly. He did this rapidly makes she moaned loudly and can't mutter any words.

"How did you feel baby... Tell me." His thrust become slow makes she pulling him closer to her and biting his ear. He snuggle his face at her neck, kissing and biting her skin as his hips started to trust inside her roughly. She scratching and dug her nails on his back to hold the pain and multiple pleasure from him.

"Oh fuck yeah~" He thrusting in a fast pace as she can't stop moaning.

"Ah jungkook uhhhh~"

He could feel her wall was clenching around his dick makes he closed his eyes tightly, look up and lips parted. He still holding his cum and ride her.

"Ooohhh kook!!" She shout and clenching her hand on the bedsheets means she really want to come. She feels he was really good and not like a guy that she have a one night stand before.

He keep thrusting in a steady pace and grabbing her hips up to deepened the thrust.

"Oh fuck~ you're feeling so good!" He moaned and give a last deep stroke before quickly pulling out his member to cum outside her and so do her. He fall down on her as they catching their breath together. Jungkook somehow managed to stroke her hair and hugging her tightly while tzuyu already fall asleep.

"You don't know how much I love you tzuyu." He mumbled and giving a peck on her forehead before closing his eyes to sleep too.

PS: A last update for today? or not?! 😂

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