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Day by day pass...

jungkook walking to the girls house, knocking onto the door rapidly but there is no answer.

"Tzuyu... Please tzuyu. i miss you.." He mumbled and leaning his head on the door before the door slowly swung open. But it's not what he expected. It's nayeon with jeongyeon behind her. He gulping and kneeling in front of the two of them makes nayeon and jeongyeon in shocked.

They could see his eyes was reddened and looks like he didn't get enough sleep. His hair slightly messy but yeah, it's jeon jungkook. Whatever his condition is, he still goodlooking though.

"Noona... i'm begging you. I want to meet tzuyu. I really love her. please noona." He want to hold nayeon's hand but nayeon quickly yanked his hand away.

"Get the fuck off jeon jungkook. You have another responsibility right? That girl who pregnant your child. How? Go and take care of them!" nayeon said makes he shooking his head aggressively.

"No! I wont! That's not my child! I freaking didn't did that. She's lying! I will proof to you noona that it's not mine!"

"Then good. Proof. But you need to wait until the baby out right? You need to wait after that girl giving birth. So wait to your little family! Don't come to us and tzuyu anymore! And.. for your information, tzuyu is not here because she don't want to meet you anymore. So... fuck off Mr.Jeon Jungkook." Nayeon said, slightly pushing him makes he fall sitting on the ground before she slammed the door. He froze. He didn't know what to do anymore.

He lose tzuyu again.

He stood up slowly, walking away from the house with the most disbelief, clueless, disappointed, frustrated and upset feelings. He never feels like this before. He lose his hopes.

He gave up. He started to feeling he is really useless. He's really a jerk, bastard, and asshole. He can't do anything anymore.

"Tzuyu.... It's looks like we really can't be together.." He mumbled and sitting beside the road, looking onto the small river. He sigh deeply and hugging his knee, thinking that he really can't be together with her anymore. There is no way.

He give up.

not because he didn't love her.

but because

he lose his hopes.

there is no hopes on having her or being together with her

"I love you tzuyu."

"I will find you soon......

if the hopes still high. as high as the sky."


(Hehe evil laugh) 😈

What do you think guys? What do you expect? 🤣😏

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