Chapter 5

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"So... What did you guys talk about just now?" Jhope ask while raising his eyebrows in curious what the girls talk with jin.

"Ah.. Nothing. Just introduce ourself?" Momo said grinning to all of them.

"Who's turn next?" Taehyung ask hoping that it was grey hair's girl turn. He want to know her name!

"Tzu, talk." Jihyo said, asking tzuyu to continue introduce herself. She was in hesitate to talk as she really embarrassed in front of this boys.

Suddenly namjoon was running towards them with suga while dragging jungkook. Jungkook was running weakly following them as he was not in a mood.

"Finally you're come!" Jin said and looking at them.

Jungkook yanked namjoon hand and glaring to him in annoyed.

"HYUNG! I WON'T-" His words stop when his eyes suddenly focusing on her face as all of the girls look at him including her. His eyes widened, heart racing and mouth hang opened. He gulped and staring at her from head to toe makes she slightly furrowed her eyebrows. He can't mutter any words in shocked, nervous, fluttered and everything.

'That's mean what I saw at the room is true, Its her!' He thought.

'What's wrong with this guy!' Tzuyu thought and slightly rolling her eyes before look away. He bite his lower lips and quickly grab namjoon's hand, running away from them.

"Yah! Jungkook!" Namjoon shout and he stop as they already far away from them.

"H-hyung.. I-its h-herr!!! I remember her face hyung!" He said in disbelief and breathing heavily. Namjoon eyes widened and look at the others direction.

"Y-you mean that girl you search before this??!!"

He nodded aggressively and can't control himself as he really wanted to hug, kiss and touch her right now! He really eager to know her again!

"I found her! oh god..." He mumbled with his eyes sparkled as if he was the most happiest man in this world tonight. He look up to the night sky before take a deep breath and walk again to them.

Jungkook's gaze never leave on her while he crossing his arms and smirking. Taehyung wrapped his arms around jungkook's shoulder and whispered at jungkook's ear.

"You finally interested in another girl huh after one year." Taehyung whispered as he notice jungkook was staring at her with a little smirk.

"She's that freaking girl hyung! I finally found her!" He whispered to taehyung with a smirk and sarcastic chuckled makes taehyung eyes widened.

"REALLY???!!!" Taehyung accidentally shout. Jungkook glaring to him and make a face to keep it as a secret to the girls. He knew that the girls will be mad of him especially her if they know about this.

"S-sorry!" Taehyung bow slightly while rubbing his nape.

"Wah, crazy." Taehyung said slowly to jungkook in disbelief.

"Guys let's eat?" Jin said and they walk together to the eating spot that already prepared. He was walking from behind as his eyes still staring at her figure, her body, her hair and everything about her that can makes him going crazy. He suddenly grab her hand makes her stop from walking and furrowed her eyebrows, glaring at his face. The two of them already left behind by their hyungs and unnies.

"W-who are you??!!" She yanked his hand away makes he furrowed his eyebrows.

'Did she forgot me?!' He thought and crossing his arms, raising his eyebrows to her. Yes, she forgot him since now he has a short black hair! She only remember his hair which before this he have wavy long black hair! She didn't remember anything else, except his hair. This new hair on him makes she more can't remember him!

"What your name ms?" He ask gently and staring into her face that showing she was in annoyed.

"It's nothing related with you right??!!" Tzuyu rolled her eyes and walk away leaving him alone. He smiling while looking at her figure who walk away.

Tzuyu walk to her unnies and sit beside Sana while the other boys was sitting in front of them.

"Where did you go?" Sana ask.

"Ah nothing." She smile and take some foods to eat. Jungkook walk to his hyungs and take a sit across to tzuyu make she quickly wearing her annoyed face. He smirking and lean his head to jin who sitting beside him.

"Hyung. What's her name?" He whispered makes jin raising his eyebrows. Jin thought that jungkook finally move on and interested in other girl without knowing that tzuyu is that girl he searched before.

"I don't know. She did not introduced herself but her unnies call her tzu? Tzu i think? I'm not hear it clearly." Jin whispered to him again but jungkook eyes still staring at her. Jin take a sip of coffee.

"You know what hyung? She was the girl I search before this." Jungkook said with a tint smirk.

"Pffttt........" Jin accidentally spill the coffee makes all of them including the girls look towards him. His mouth hang open in shocked of what jungkook say just now.

"WHAT THE FCK JEON JUNGKOOK?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!!" Jin shout and stood up from his chair in shocked. Jungkook sigh and slapping his own forehead. The girls furrowing their eyebrows in weird of what happened.

"Hyung!! Ahhh you.. I should not telling you." He said slowly and grab jin arm to make him sit again. Jungkook smile and nodding to jin while jin still froze in disbelief.

'Crazy' Tzuyu thought and ignoring what happened. She continue eating without take any glance or talking to others. Including him.

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