Chapter 21

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At the evening, after working tzuyu walking out from the company building while scrolling her phone without noticing that jungkook running towards her and grabbing her hand. She look at his face and furrowed her eyebrows to show that she was in annoyed.

"What do you want?!" She ask coldly and yank his hand away from her.

"Let me send you home?" He ask with his puppy eyes and in soft. She sighing and walk away from him before he follow her, blocking her way.

"Chou tzuyu. Let me send you home!"

"As if i will believe you that you will send me home safely!" She rolled her eyes and want to walk pass him again but he still block her way and raising his eyebrows.

"it's not that bad right to feel my dick inside you? So why do you care?" His words that get out from his lips make her anger boiling inside her head. She glare to him and clenching her jaw and fist in annoyed.


"Jeon Jungkook! I'm not your fucking toy! Search another girl to be your slut and your sex toy."

She walk pass him ,leaving him alone while closing his eyes and cursing himself. He make a mistake in his words again. He should not talk like that! UGH!

Tzuyu getting inside a taxi, going back to her house with her mind keep thinking of what happened. She getting upset again when thinking she have to get through this bad unlucky life of her. She getting regret of knowing him, getting regret of falling for him and the most thing she regret now is... she can't even forget him.


Jungkook resting and laying down on his bed while thinking of what happened one year ago. That scene still fresh inside his memories from start until the end being with her. It's just the most beautiful night for him. Really beautiful. He never feelings like this before even though he already fucking many girls.


Tzuyu and her unnies was enjoying the party with many peoples, without worrying and release all of their stress. They didn't care about anyone and really enjoying themselve.

Jungkook at the same time standing still and leaning his back on the wall while his eyes focusing on a girl which is in her black dress and looks really really pretty that night. She's Chou Tzuyu. His gaze never leave her figure who drinking and talking with one of the girls there. He already feel something weird with his heart only by staring onto her from far like this.

"Hey bro! Whats up!" One of his bestfriends came, tapping his shoulder but he didn't leave his eyes from her. Mingyu look at the direction where jungkook was staring. Mingyu chuckled a little and whispered to jungkook's ear.

"Seeing something that caught your attention huh? Wanna make her as your victims?" Mingyu whispered and chuckled as mingyu also actually same as him! A fuckboy.

Jungkook still cold and crossing his arms before look at mingyu in slightly annoyed.

"But not this time bruh."

He look at her again. Mingyu raising his eyebrows when hearing this from him. He didn't expect jeon jungkook will say this words?

Jungkook could see she smiling, laughing and talking makes she looks hundred times pretty! It's just he look at a heroin in a drama in slow motion! He licking his dry lips a little and still focus on her until he saw a guy walking towards her, and secretly putting some medicine inside her drink. It's make his eyes widened.

"Fuck..." He mumbled and grinding his teeth. That guy walk away and take a sit a meter far from her, staring onto her deeply. It's make jungkook become worried and nervous too. He immediately walk towards her and at the same time, tzuyu taking the drink and drink it for a gulp before jungkook take it and drink it all from her cup. yes, SHE STILL ABLE TAKE A GULP before jungkook take her drink from her hand and DRINK IT ALL.

She look at him in annoyed and tilting her head a little.

"What's wrong with you?!"

He raise his eyebrows and touching his temple a little, already feeling lose because of the drugs.

He glancing to the guy who the one that put this drug makes the guy run away from his sight. He quickly grabbing tzuyu's hand and dragging her to the stairs before he feel totally lost. Tzuyu also the same.

"Fuck aphrodisiac." He mumbled and want to run away from her because he feel something weird and make he feel really neddy and horny.

And yeah...

Aphrodisiac is a drug that brings on desire, increase sexual pleasure or performance and the one who take this will feels horny or needy. So much. (Mr.Google😂)

He want to run away quickly but she grab his neck and immediately kissing him. Yes, the effect of the drug even though she take only A GULP. He can't help but to kissing her too and already lost because of this shits drugs. He lift her up, walking towards the upstairs and get inside one of the room. He slammed the door loud, threw her body against the door makes her leg wrapping around his waist.

The kisses were so wild, steamy and hot. He sucking, swirling his tongue inside her and really exploring her mouth. He enjoyed it really much, tasting her sweet lips. He gathered his energy and bringing her to the bed without broking the kiss. He place her down softly, kissing her really in soft. He's on a drug but he really want to show his gentleman action and he softness towards her. He don't know why but he want to do it softly. He really tried to control the drugs effect. Because its her, he don't want did to her like he dido to another girls before. He don't know why.

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