Chapter 33

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Jin rubbing jungkook's back as he still crying hardly and sniffing.

"Jungkook... Stop crying hm? We can solve this problems okay?" Jin said while giving a tint smile even though he, himself was not okay. He's really hurting too. Hurting of seeing Jungkook like this and hurting nayeon leaving him.

He help Jungkook to stood up, supporting him walking and make he sit on the couch. Jin take a sit beside him while Jungkook just wiping his tears even though his tears didn't stop from rolling down.

"She's pregnant my child hyung? And.. the baby can't be saved? Is it my fault hyung?" He look up to Jin's face while Jin just giving a tint smile and shooking his head.

"No. It's not. It's not your fault jeon Jungkook." Jin said and fixing jungkook's hair a little.

"They don't know your effort on searching her. They don't know everything about you. Don't be sad hm? Later, when they getting calm, we will explained everything. Okay?" Jin convince him to make he calm down even though Jin actually know. It's not that easy to talk or meet them again. They must be really really hating them and don't want to meet them.  

Jungkook immediately nodding and look at Jin's face again with a really desperate face. With a tears, reddened and swollen eyes... It's just a rare of Jeon Jungkook.

"Please help me hyung? Promise me that you and the boys will help me getting tzuyu no matter what." He said makes Jin gulping. Jin can't promise. He afraid if he can't fullfil that promise.

"Hmmm" Jin only hummed.

Jungkook wiping his tears again and staring on the floor as he really really feel useless. No wonder why tzuyu really hate him. He was not there when she need him. He get what she feels. But....

Is it his fault?

He don't know that and already search for her but didn't found her. FOR FREAKING ONE YEAR.

Until that night.

Night when they were at Hawaii.

He found her. He became the happiest person in the world that time. Only found her already makes he happy and wanting to make her as his's.

It's misunderstanding.

The most dangerous things in relationship is misunderstanding.

He know he's late of explaining everything but... Tzuyu also didn't give him a chance to explaining. We can't say anything. It's 50-50.

The two of them make a fault and misunderstood everything.

Jungkook can't help but being mad towards that fuck girl. Who the fuck she is to come and claim that he make her pregnant?! It's fucking one year he stop doing this and she said the pregnancy is 3 month??!!

Oh nonsense.

No, he can't and he will search for a proof that he's freaking didn't did that! After meeting tzuyu again, he even didn't look at any girls!

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