Chapter 17

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Jungkook gathering his file and stood up from his chair with a tint smirk. He walk to her room with a file on his hand as her eyes widened when seeing him get inside her room. He wear his cold face and throw the file on the table quiet roughly make she flinched.

"Finish it today." He said and want to walk away but she stood up from her chair and start talking

"It's too many! how can i finish this—"

He turn his body and raising his eyebrows.

"It's not my problems. Finish it even though you need to going home late at night." He smirk a little and walk, exit her room leaving her alone. She grinding her teeth and stoomping her feet in annoyed. Really annoyed. On the first day? Already have this much work?!!

Jungkook can't stop smiling and even chuckled until he get inside his office room. Tzuyu start to doing it and hoping that she will finish this before late night. She want to going back early and take a deep sleep... Please!

Hour by hour passed and it's already 11:00PM. Of course all the staff and workers already going back. Jungkook smirking as actually this is his idea. He tilting his head a little and walk to her room, get inside it seeing she really focus as she even didnt notice he get inside her office room!

He walk beside her and playing with her hair makes she flinched a little and look up. Her eyes widened when seeing it was him. He bend his head and placing his lips at her ear.

"Baby..." He whispered makes she gulping and immediately melting of it.

"I need you.." He whispered again before placing a kiss beside her ear and then down to her neck. Her hand immediately grabbing his shoulder as she really can't hold the pleasure he give to her.

"Oh jungkook..." She moan when he started to kissing her neck. He was really needy again when hearing this makes his arms immediately wrapping around her body and lift her up from the chair. He place her on the table and began to sucking, kissing and biting her neck, collarbone and also jaw. She biting her lower lips and arched her neck to give him more space of marking her. She know this is false but she can't do anything! She want him too. She fall for him and really weak in this game. It feel false and right at the same time.

His hand roaming at her thighs and ass makes she more turn on and impatient. His lips start to going up and attack her lips. His lips never leave her as he keep sucking, biting and exploring her lips more. Tzuyu tried to stop him but he wont stop. He still kissing make she squeezing his arms.

His hand crawling to her thighs and caressing it make she moan softly and feeling needy.

"Kook... s-stop!" She mumbled while closing her eyes makes he smirking and purposely lifting her skirt more, playing with her inner thighs. She moaned softly again as he lean to her ear.

"It's look like you won't me to stop." He whispered and lean his head to her chest, kissing it and making his marks. His hand started to unbuckled his pants and pull it down halfly makes his dick sprung out and touch her inner thighs. It's make she moan and grapping his shoulder tightly.

He slowly removed her panties away and look into her eyes. She seem much more pretty like this, blushing and messy because of him. That's what he think. He pull her more closer to him make she sitting at the edge of the table before he hugging her and placing his member in front of her core.

"Fuck baby... you're so wet for me huh?" His both hand grabbing her waist and slowly inserted inside her makes her thighs slightly shook.

"So sensitive huh?" He smirking and snuggle at her neck again. He inserted his member fully makes she whimper.

"Fuck jungkookkkk..." She moaned softly and placing her chin on his shoulder. He hold her waist with one hand and his other hand holding the table. He started to thrusting makes the table creaking with each of his thrust.

"Ohhhh fuck yeah baby." He whispered and doing the steady pace before spreading her legs more. His thrust getting faster as she can't get out any words other than soft moaned. It's just a good song for him. He really likes it! She clenched around him makes he groned and arching his neck because of the great pleasure. His veins at his neck, forehead and hand really visible makes he looks hotter.

"kook!" She shout while grinding her teeth and biting his neck as he tried to hold his cum and keep pumping inside her.

"Right there baby?" He whispered with a smirk between his heavy breathing and holding her waist, pulling her more closer before make a deep last stroke.

"Fuck tzuyu!" He groned and quickly pull out from her. She breathing heavily and stay still hugging him without moving at all. The room surrounded with such a weird sex smell. He hugging her too and catching his breath before placing a last kiss at her neck.

"Forgive me baby." He whispered. They stay still like that before he cleaning all of their mess and bringing her back to her house. Just like usual, this might never change the status of them. She still hating him.

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