Chapter 15

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Tzuyu walking while looking at the address on the phone. She raise eyebrows a little and confirming that this is the true building that she will work! She get inside and walk to the counter at the lobby in nervous.

"Erm... Can I meet the CEO of this company? I will work here." She said and smiling a little awkwardly. The girl who work at the counter look at her in amazed and slightly chuckled of how innocent tzuyu is.

"You're chou tzuyu right? Here. Put your signature." That girl who work at the counter said with a tint smile and handing her a paper. Tzuyu immediately nodding and put down her signature on the paper before look at her face.

"So.. you can get inside the lift and go up to level 7. There will be CEO's room. He already waiting for you." She said as tzuyu nodding to her while smiling.


She walk to the lift, and waiting in front of the lift until a guy come and standing beside her. He raise his eyebrows and take a glance to her before clearing his throat.

"Are you a new staff?" He ask makes tzuyu look up to his face and smiling.

"hm! I am."

He look at her too and giving her his hand to have a handshake.

"I'm Yugyeom. Nice to meet you." He smiling widely makes tzuyu didn't think much and just accept his hand. They having a handshake for a second before broke it.

"I'm tzuyu."

"I see..."

The lift suddenly open as yugyeom give a way for her to get in first before he get in too.

"By the way.. i'm the manager of team 1 in this company. We will meet soon. And.. yeah, good to know you tzuyu." He smile and giving a playful wink before the lift door open as yugyeom stepping out first before her.

"See you soon again, tzuyu." He said and walk away from her as she just nodded and giving a smile.

"Such a silly man." Tzuyu chuckled and walking while her eyes look around, searching for that CEO room. Her eyes suddenly caught a big door with a 'CEO' letter on it makes she gulping in nervous.

She walking slowly and standing in front of the door, taking a deep breath before knocking the door slowly.

"Get in!" A stern voices hearing from inside makes she flinched a little and holding the knob of the door before slowly open it. Her eyes caught a back figure of man sitting on his swivel chair. It's make she more nervous since he looks really scary even from his back. She get inside, walking until she standing in front of his table then gulping.

"I-im tzuyu, Sir. I-i will—"

He turn his swivel chair around, facing her makes her eyes widened and froze on her spot. It's JEON JUNGKOOK?!

"Y-you???!!!" She slightly raise her voices and furrowed her eyebrows in mad while jungkook smirking and immediately stood up from his seat. She want to run away but he rush to her, grabbing her hand and pulling her closer to him.

Her eyes meeting him makes she gulping. Her heart thumping crazily and so do him.They staring each other for a while as tzuyu feel her cheek flushing out of sudden.

"You can't run away from me, baby. remember? You already put your signature. It's the contract for you to working here. As my secretary" He whispered makes a shiver down to her spine.

"W-whatever! I-i dont want!!" She stuttering and want to yank his hand but he grab her waist and holding her nape, pulling her before landing his lips on her lips. She froze while he already kissing her passionately with a groaned.

"I miss you baby.." He mumbled between the kiss makes she really weak. She can't even push nor avoid this because he make she feels good. Too good to resist. Her hand slowly gripping his shirt at his chest and slowly to respond to his kiss.

It's dumb! It's stupid! But what she can do? He's too good to being push away. She can't denied anymore that her heart slowly beating for him even though the hatred for him still exist.

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