Chapter 12

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They finally arrived in front of her and her unnies house. He parking his car in front of the house and assumed maybe her unnies and his hyungs still did not arrive or they already arrive. Hm he don't know.

"Ouh you're staying here." He said while looking around the house and fixing his body to facing her. She ignore him and was about to get out from the car but he quick enough to grab her hand.

"Come on.. Let's talk for a minute?" He said and she annoyingly look at him, waiting him to talk.

"Alright. Are you really hating on me now?" He ask and hold her hand makes she smirking sarcastically.

"You think???!!" She ask annoyingly while raising her eyebrows.

"I think nope!" He said and smirking, staring onto her face. She gulped and let go her hand from him.

"It's your fault thinking that I'm not. Keep feeling yourself!" She shrugged her shoulder and wanted to exit the car again but he stop her by locking the door.

"Yah! Are you crazy??!!" She raise her voices and trying to open the door aggressively. He grab her hand and pull her closer to him until she can felt his hot breath was on her face.

"L-let go of me jeon jungkook." She said slowly and don't want to stay still like this!

"I don't want to let you go. You're mine." He said and his eyes look down to her lips. She was stunned hearing the words that get out from him. He pull her more closer this time makes their faces only have an inches gap with each other.

"M-my unnies w-will see u-us!" She stuttering and gulping in nervous.

"So you want to do this but afraid of your unnies? Am I right?" He smirking and tracing his thumb at her lips. She can't denied what he said as she also feels something that her body want him. Want him to be with her forever but the past makes it hard. It's still fresh inside her mind which is he leave her alone when she was having a hard times.

"N-no! I-i don't want to!" She denied and look away, don't want to looking at his face. His eyes focusing on her neck as he gulping before pull her makes his lips landed on her skin. A shiver down to her spine when feels his soft lips on her skin. He kiss her neck, sucking and biting on it as she was biting her lower lips to not making any sounds. After for a while, he pull back his head and smirking to her seeing how she enjoyed the things he did to her.

"You like it huh?" He ask while raising his eyebrows. She did not answer but just hiding her face down.

"I just make some marks which means you're mine." He said when noticing his fresh masterpieces already on her skin. Her hand immediately touching her neck when knowing what he means. She suddenly remember about one year ago which he make her hurt alone and dealing with the pain of he leaving her, her baby was gone and so on. She glaring to him makes he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Mr. Jeon jungkook, I'm not gonna be rude to you so don't put your hope too high, I'm not your bitch, slut or whatever." She said directly to him. He raise his eyebrows seeing how her behaviour change from pure, shy girl to the girl that full with an anger.

"Tzuyu, you don't-"

"I don't need your explanation. Please open the door." She said in blank expressions as jungkook slowly lift his hand to open the lock of the door. She immediately get out from his car leaving him stunned with her words. She really don't want to hear his explanation and it makes her more misunderstood about what happened. He sigh deeply and rubbing his nape...

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