Chapter 14

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Jungkook eagerly waiting for his hyungs inside his office room, playing with the pen with his fingers until the door swung open revealing jin, jimin and taehyung. He furrowed his eyebrows and immediately stood up, walking to the couch with all of them.

"Where's others?" He ask while taking a seat.

"Meeting..." Jimin said and shrugged his shoulder.


"Nayeon ask me to take tzuyu working with one of us. Did you have any empty spot to take her as your workers?" Jin suddenly ask cutting jungkook's words makes Jungkook eyes widened and immediately nodding his head aggressively. Jin know this will might be something more bad between the girls and them because the potential of the girls know about this is high when tzuyu working with jungkook but...  They just want Jungkook to be happy. They know how much effort Jungkook put to search and meet tzuyu before this.

"I want! I will put her as my secretary!" Jungkook said with his eyes sparkled, and really excited out of sudden. He really want to shout in happiness right now. He was about to ask his Hyungs what he need to do to get closer with her but now....

A chance coming just like that!

"Oh yeah!" He slightly shout in excited makes the three of his Hyungs shooking their head.

"Jungkook-ah. We all will die if her unnies know about this. Serious talk." Jin suddenly become serious as he really want to get closer with nayeon. Jungkook look at his face and sighing.

"I know...."

"Then, just explain everything to tzuyu! Don't let her misunderstood this for too long! I freaking don't want to involved! The girls will obviously will hate us too! Not only you!" Jin said earning a nodded from Jimin and Taehyung.

Jungkook just hummed and keep fidgeting with his fingers, thinking about this. What should he do?

"Don't worry hm hyungs?" He raise his eyebrows and smirking a little when thinking that tzuyu will work with him! Jin nodding before the three of them stood up and walk away from his office room, leaving him alone in happiness. He get to being with her, getting closer and even can meet her always after this!


Tzuyu is doing her dinner alone at the kitchen and suddenly nayeon coming to her makes she flinched a little in shocked.

"Yah! Unnie! Aish.." She shooking her head and pouting a little to nayeon. Nayeon chuckled and grabbing tzuyu's hand out of sudden makes tzuyu furrowed her eyebrows.

"You will start working tomorrow!" Nayeon said makes her eyes widened and also in excited since actually she really want to working but the other girls didn't allow her to work after what happened. And now, finally, she get to work and really excited without knowing that she will work under jeon Jungkook.

"What company? Where and who is the CEO?" Tzuyu ask but it's make nayeon smirking and booping her nose.

"Just go tomorrow. I will send you a address! Okay?" Nayeon said with a tint smile. The girls seem really trust the boys including Jungkook!

"Okay!Thankyou Unnie!" Tzuyu smiling too and hugging nayeon happily since she really want to work for a long time ago! What will happened?

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