Chapter 4

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They all already arrived at Hawaii and Jin leading all of his members to the hotel resorts. The hotel resorts already booked by his dad and they will started the event tonight with a barbeque party. The barbeque party will held near the beach.

"Alright boys! You guys will have your own room. This is all of the key." Jin handing them the key one by one.

"We will meet tonight with all persons who attend this at the beach!" Jin said again happily and they all nodded to him. Jungkook walk to the room that have the same number as the key he hold.

"" He mumbled while searching and looking at the number of the door.

"Here it is.." He twist the door knob and get inside the room before throw his bag on the bed and walk to the balcony. His eyes caught a back figure who also standing at the balcony at the next room. He gulped and his heart beating crazily when notice that her hair and her figure just like that girl!

"H-" He was about to call her but..

She walk away to get inside leaving him dumbfounded and curious of her face. He can't see her face and it makes him more wanted to know.

"I-is i-it her?!" He stuttering and holding his chest that thumping heavily. He get inside again and take a sit on the bed, still thinking about it.

"Hm maybe it's just my illusion.." He mumbled and rub his temples. He really can't forget her and madly want her. His missing feelings come more higher day by day.


Tzuyu was dressed up as she put on her baggy jeans and a sweater to attend tonight barbeque event.

Someone knocked the door. She walk and open the door revealling some of her unnies.

"Are you already done? Let's go!" Momo said excitedly. She nodded and take her phone on the table before get out together with her unnies to the beach. When they already near the beach, tzuyu grab Jihyo hands in sudden.

"Unnie.. There is too many people! I'm not comfortable!" She said while pouting. Momo pinched her cheeks lightly and giving a tint smile.

"Don't worry okay. We will be with you all the time!" Momo said with a smile and jihyo nodded to her. They drag her hands to the others unnies that gathered while drinking juices while talking with their business's friends.

"Unnie..." Tzuyu clinging to nayeon arm, ignore the man who nayeon was talking.

"Yes my tzu tzu?" Nayeon and all of he unnies look at her makes the man furrowed their eyebrows. Jeongyeon realize that they make the situation awkward as she immediately tap nayeon's shoulder.

"Who is he?" Jeongyeon whispered.

"Ouh! Jin, they are my sisters? But not sister with same mother!" Nayeon joking and jin chuckled as he understand what she mean.

"Hi guys. I'm Jin. Nice to meet all of you!" He slightly bow to show his politeness and then smiling to them. They all nodded and introduce themself with a smile.

"I'm-" Tzuyu was about to introduce herself but..

"hyung!!!!!" Someone shout and 3 of them run to jin with a wide smile. They panting, caught their breath before fixing their clothes and hair when seeing the girls.

"Hyung! Introduce us to them!" Jimin whispered to jin as he smirking to one of the girls. Jin rolled his eyes and elbowed jimin's stomach.


Jin then look at the girls and rubbing his nape,

"Girls, this is my friends or should I say my brothers too??" Jin chuckled and wanted to tease the way nayeon introduce her members. The girls laugh and nodded to the 3 of them.

"Hi, I'm jimin. And.. What's your name?" He take a step foward and give his hand to have a handshake with Dahyun. Dahyun rolling her eyes and make a disgusting face makes taehyung quickly pull jimin back again.

"Shameless!" Taehyung whispered to jimin.

"Hi! I'm Jhope!" Jhope smiles and waving his hand.

"And I'm.. Taehyung." Taehyung smiles while smiling softly with his eyes focusing on a girl with grey hair. Jin glaring to his members as they really flirting with the girls. He clear his throat wanted to avoid the awkward situation between them.

"E-erm where the others? Jungkook?" Jin ask to the three of them but they all shrugged their shoulders.

"Ouh so.. You have more brothers? Not only them?" Nayeon chuckled makes jin look at her while raising his eyebrows.

"Yes. Definitely." He said with his eyes was amazed of nayeon's laughing and smiling face.

'She's really pretty when laughing'

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