Chapter 28

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After the two going back, jungkook dressing up, grabbing his car key and immediately drove away to search for tzuyu. He grabbing his phone, calling for her with the most annoyed feelings.

She pick up the call after many times he called!

"what!?" She ask also in annoyed.

"Where the fuck are you?!" He slightly shout makes she put the phone far from her ear.

"It's not your problems Mr.Jeon." She said with a little smirk plastered on her lips without she knowing. He hissed in annoyed and hitting the car steering hardly as she could hear it!

"Fucking say Chou Tzuyu!" He shout again as she already gulping in slightly afraid of him. She didn't answer and just stay silent like that make he more annoyed.

"If it's yugyeom, I will fired him! So freaking told me where are yo—"

"Okay fine!!! I'm with yugyeom. At the 'Hills Park'. Huh annoying!"

She cut the call and wearing a annoyed face makes yugyeom give a tint smile and raising his eyebrows.

"Mr.Jeon? Hm.. Seem like he likes you." Yugyeom chuckled even though in his heart, he feels quiet disappointed.

"Yes Mr.Jeon. Whatever it is. I don't like him." She said makes yugyeom laughing. He know tzuyu is lying. Only looking at her face he already knew she have feelings for jungkook too.

Tzuyu sighing and rolling her eyes before walking leading yugyeom, to the park where there is a playground, people and kids laughing and playing together, and of course, some family spend their quality times together. She biting her lower lips when seeing a pair of couple with their little kid playing and laughing together. It's remind her of her pregnancy.

'As if I have you, Maybe you already same as that kid. Can slowly walk and always stumble' She think with a tint smile plastered on her lips. But a the same she could feel the tears welled up inside her eyes. It's too painful when thinking she lost the baby forever and... jungkook didn't know that.

"Are you okay? Tzuyu?" Yugyeom suddenly pat her shoulder makes she raise her eyebrows, comeback to reality.

"Hm? Yes! of course!" She smile and they continue walking beside each other, talking and enjoying the evening view of the sky.

After for a while, jungkook finally arrived, parking the car and immediately running, searching for her. He look around, until his eyes caught a scene where tzuyu and yugyeom sitting beside each other, talking and laughing with each other.

"Fuck...." He mumbled while grinding his teeth before rush to them. He standing in front of her makes they stop laughing and she slowly look up to his face. Her eyes slightly widened seeing his reddened face. He really in mad huh! Yugyeom already gulping. Afraid of him.

"What the fuck are you doing here?! With him?! Only the two of you??!!!" He ask and glaring deeply into her eyes. She smirking a little before answering.

"The two of us are at PARK mr.Jeon. Not inside A ROOM. There is nothing bad could happen!" She said makes he raise his eyebrows before look at yugyeon's face.

"Go away!" He said sternly makes yugyeom quickly nodded his head and stood up from the bench. Yugyeom walk away and he take a sit beside her, lifting her up and place her on his lap. She wriggling her body and want to stood up but he hug her tightly.

She gulping. She could feel his bulge!!! It's already hard!!!

"Even though at the park, it's didn't mean you and him can't fucking here baby." He whispered makes a shiver down to her spine. Yeah, what he means is.. she can't go put with any men. Park, room, office or wherever! She can't.

"I don't freaking like it. And you don't know what men thinks about you. See, you even make me hard like this. Im 100 percents sure another men also the same when look at you. Yeah, i just want to make sure you're safe without being fucked my someone else. Baby." He place a kiss on her neck. She totally froze, nervous and even feeling like she was trembling!

He loose the hug as she quickly stood up from his lap. He smiling while she gulping and look down in embarrassed.

"Where do you want to go? Let me bring you. And just tell me if you want to hang up next time." He said while stood up, grabbing her hand but she quickly yank his hand away.

"I won't. I want to hang up with yugyeom. Not you." She walk and then run to search for yugyeom again, leaving him in annoyed. He can't. Yes, he jealous! So what?! He rush behind her, follow her wherever she go.

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