Chapter 20

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A week had passed after what happened. As jungkook also keep busy handling his company, he somehow take a slow move, didn't being too touchy towards her that week because he's busy. Tzuyu somehow become disappointed, and at the same time.. she thinking...

'This is what I want. I want him to go away from my life. why should i getting sad right?'

She convince herself again and again to hating, to move on, and to forget him. But... she lied to herself. Her heart keep telling she miss him, keep telling she disappointed and getting upset because he didn't give his attention towards her. And what worse is... she want him to be with her and bothered her just like he did before.

Yes, she still thinking that he is a jerk and maybe just using her to just fucking and fulfill his needy but... what should she do? She already fall for him and can't resist what he did. She know he just a walking red flag.

Tzuyu rub her temple and sighing when thinking about this. She frustrated too. She somehow thinking what should she do to forget him. Suddenly her office room swung opem revealing him, jeon jungkook who smiling and raising his eyebrows. She immediately look away and wearing her cold face. Right now, she feels like she want to sulking because he didn't care about he almost one week and at the same time, she feel like she want to ignore and tried to forget about him. It's 50/50 again.

Jungkook walk beside her and turning her swivel chair to facing him. she still froze and look away while he bend his head, holding the chair's armrest and trapping her between his arms.

"Hi baby.. How are you?" He asking and staring onto her face but she didn't reply nor look at his face.

He smirking a little and sighing.

"Tzuyu baby, I'm sorry. I have too many works and didn't keep in touch with you too often this week. But now, It's all already done!" He said makes she look up to his face. She give a sarcastic chuckled and glaring onto his face in annoyed.

"Really? Works? I thought you have a great time fucking another girls?" She raising her eyebrows with a tint smirk and rolling her eyes. Her words make he raising his eyebrows too.

"What? Tzuyu. I told you. I only want you." He want to hold her chin but she quickly avoid it and giving a deep gaze.

"Don't touch me anymore jungkook. I wont fall for your game anymore." She push him and stood up from her chair. He stay froze and sighing, staring onto her figure who walk out from her office room. He ruffled his hair and grinding his teeth as he really can't think anymore to make she believe, trust and forgive him.

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