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One thing I always find myself thinking about these days is gratitude. Gratitude for who I am. Gratitude for the person I've become, and the person I'm becoming. There's no self praise and false pride in thanking Allah for the human He made you. Despite the flaws and imperfections, all the mistakes you've made, and all the things you couldn't be, if you still find yourself striving in the way of Allah subhanahuwata'ala, and you acknowledge about your setbacks, you work hard to put  yourself right on track, you're busy in self reformation, self introspection, you're worth being grateful for.
Allah subhanahuwata'ala has promised, If we are grateful, He will give us more. And I think it can better work in this way too, being grateful for ourselves gives us more of ourselves. The good things. The perseverance, the Sabr n Faith. And the things we find in tiny pieces in our heart, peace n tranquility. No matter what we've gone through n what we've come from, the patience and the self acceptance we are embracing needs to be multiplied. There's a scarce need of finding our authentic self in order to know Our Creator. To get closer to the truth, we need to be truthful with ourselves first. And when we thank Allah for little moments when we're honest in our dealings with people around us n ourselves too....there are chances we get closer to the Divine truth.
So, whatever happens, when you lay on your bed counting the events and moments of the day, everynight, among the things you thank Allah for, let your own name be amongst them 💚 ©️ZeenatNazeer🌸

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