P O E T R Y - Her Well Nigh Demise

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Long ago when she felt tied,
She looked at the sky,pleaded and cried
For the greatest of treasures,His love,
Yearning to be pure,just like a dove..

She prayed to break free the shackles,
the wishful desires and grisly obstacles.
So, with longing in her eyes,
with quivering lips,hiccups and sighs,
She raised silently a call,reaching heavens,
To never ever fall....

The Sun had seen her sadness,
the Moon and stars, witness to her demise.,
They had seen her begging to her Lord,
in the frosty nights and freezing cold.

They too, seemed to mourn for her life,
Long ago, when she felt tied....

-- Her well nigh demise.


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