Blessings of Allah with lockdown in Ramdhan.

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Ramadhan has gone. Almost all of us are somehow sad for how it went. Like, No Masjids,no idgaah, no public khutbah, no gatherings,you weren't able to visit your family and friends properly, you couldn't arrange a buffet lunch, so many things ! Our prayers in congregation instill that sense of strength within us. That feeling of brotherhood or sisterhood,that warm feeling of being part of an beautiful Ummah...we get it most at the masjids..don't we ? But wait. Stop being sad over what you couldn't get this Ramadhan. And be thankful for what you couldn't get at all !
Confused ?
Okay, listen,...the longing we show for the house of Allah, the masaajids, is also an act of ibaadah. Those who were consistent in masaajids before this lockdown, will get the reward no matter what. And all the earth of Allah is place of ibaadah. So, lets just stop wallowing over it.

Now, imagine one more thing. There weren't any Meena bazaar, Moti bazaar or Musafir Khana, or Beghum peths where our youth could hover aimlessly. The most hated places to Allah are marketplaces. The unwanted mixing of opposite genders, the clutter and obfuscation during fasting, the wasting of time just choosing between stalls and thelas...Allah saved us from that. Alhamdulillah. Many sisters couldn't get any henna artist on chaand raat, who basically, most of the time ,is a non mahram !
Yeah, I know  we might be worried about the income of those little vendors and henna artists, but Allah is Ar Raaziq, Allah provides sustenance whom He wills, however He wills.,we are no one to provide them that. We might be the means earlier. But Allah has His own way of feeding His creation. Besides, many of us spent our Eid expenses in charity instead if shopping. So, Alhamdulillah again , that money might have reached atleast some of such vendors without them having to yell and lie in the markets.
Secondly, no Salman Khan could release any movie on the Eid , or Iblees would have straight visited the theatres on the Eid day ! We spent our day praying 5 daily salah, maybe some Quran and a lot of quality time with our family.,even if it was just facetime. We were saved from mingling in parks, or some random events. In many families living in secular nations, its a trend to invite non muslims over to treat them with sweets and all. Summa Alhamdulillah, this Eid was solely for the Muslims. Nobody could invite any third person over (sisters saved from doing that mountain of dishes 😜) . We got time to look closely at our wardrobes.,we realized that we have more than we need,Alhamdulillah. Those clothes and jewelry that we haven't touched in years,finally came out ! We realized we don't need shopping too much (Note : those dozen+ abayas,hijabs and jilbabs don't count here. They are extremely important , the more the better 😁)
And so many things that Allah saved us from....are really a great blessings for us., if only we knew.

Sometimes the blessings are not only in what He gives, but also what He saves us from. All the unnecessary fuss and drama we have associated with Eid Ul fitr didn't happen this Ramadhan. And its a huge blessing. Be grateful to Allah for that.

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