Reminder for YOU !

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Whenever you see a reminder on social media. Breathe. And think, before anything else that this is a reminder first and foremostly sent towards me. Before thinking who needs to "hear" it most, try to grab the message it has for you. I bet many of us are rushing to repost or share it for a particular person or group who need it a lot. But if you've got it first, why don't you think that Allah wants you to hear, read and apply it on yourself first ?
From now on, whenever you read something about Salah, Charity, Back biting, gossiping, insensitive behaviours, corrupted hearts, foul language, haram relationship, halal earning,riba,showing off, music, etc,etc...hurry up to look at your own self. Be quick to find it much needed for your own self, and when you are sincere enough about it, ..then proceed for Islaah and Dawaah . But before that., don't hurry to find it suitable for others,  when we may also have the same diseases.

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