The Missing Piece of Puzzle called Life

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I always thought love between humans was something that brightens the life, something that brings the life into the life itself. Until I realized WHOM it should belong to. It was but just a mirage,..that I was chasing. Thinking it as an oasis.
And then I came to know that love is the most misinterpreted and misconceived feeling in the human life since eternity. Love is considered as the missing part of the human existence that when found completes the puzzle one's being.  But alas ! Those who fail to understand or to recognize this missing portion of their existence,  have their hearts broken,and souls wounded. If this missing piece is mistaken for a delusional one,it brings debacle in the realms of the souls. At the beginning this piece gets adhered to the heart quite easily, as if it was meant to bind together. But slowly ; gradually, it starts to dilate the point where, there are cracks on the heart. These cracks continue to extend until the humans think,..this is love. But at last,..the heart is shattered as it cannot bear the force of the foreign piece anymore. Its deformed, destructed ! The now swollen piece leaves its place and absconds somewhere ! Where ? Allahu Aalam!!

This keeps on happening as long as we keep on our struggle to fit and fill the empty space, the void with wrong pieces. The heart everytime continues to get broken  to no avail.

But how unwise are we , that we forget where to find that correct piece that can complete the puzzle of our lives. How can we overlook the verity that The One who created us,our hearts, our bodies and inspired inside us souls , Who wants us to seek Him ! Must have that correct portion of our incomplete existence...
The meticulate key to unlock ourselves...He has it !!! And only He can fill that void and no one else can. When He completes us with His love,  His mercy..that's when we truly feel alive, and strengthened. Because love is meant to make us solemn, still , tranquil ,calm, and deep agnate to the lakes of sweet water.
Unlike the love other than Allah's that brings with it storms of desires, lusts, insecurities,  pain and agony of separation...that resembles a raging sea that engulfs everything that touches it.
How can any life settle in it ? How can the boat of tranquillity sail over it ?

As soon as a human being understands this, he will win over himself. He will win the battle that is drooping between two faces of love.
A battle where desires and lusts make you fall on your knees,  and just then,..the mercy and forgiveness gives you courage to fight back, to stand up again. To love in a true sense., in a way that is most pleasing, soothing and  strengthening.

This is the parable of life since the beginning. 
Since the time when Adam and Hawwa (AS) ate from the tree in desire and love of and immortal life.  They tried to fill the void with joy of being immortal.
Since the time when Cain killed Abel due to jealousy arose from desire of having a beautiful spouse. He tried to fill the void with beauty.
And so on...
But the aeon of life bears witness that each amd everytime it was Allah and Allah only , who ran for the help of His broken servants,to heal them. He forgave them...filled the voids of their lives with His love n mercy and still continues to shower and sprinkle it over them, keep them breathing. 


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