Rainbows are,were , will always be just rainbows !!!

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Why on earth people are using 'A Rainbow' to symbolize homosexuality?!! Like, seriously? Even Muslims are okay and considering rainbow as something that's associated with lgbtq. What colour does the homosexuality has, except for its utter darkness for the souls ?

The rainbows we see, are one of the most beautiful and awesome signs from the signs of Allah subhanahuwata'ala. They are a natural miracle that Allah shows us to remind us His glorification. SubhanAllah. How can we use them to symbolize the filthiest actions of mankind ? Just came across a post against lgbtq,but it had a big cross sign over the picture of a  rainbow and that made me question this, Why do we need to smear filth and associate a purest of reflection with dirt of homosexuality?
Some foolish man comes n "invents" a flag with eight colours to symbolize vulgarity...because he couldn't accept the pink triangle invented by nazis, as it wasa very  horrible place for "them"...as if the things they're doing are less horrible 🙄 and we too let it be...infact start to look at the nature with slight disgust.  No ! We shouldn't be doing this. The craze for using rainbow flags for homosexuality started as something small...let the resistance to it also start as something small.
Rainbows aren't symbols for their vulgarity. Rainbows are just Rainbows. Look at them...and glorify Allah. And next time when you see any dumbhead using it for lgbtq....share this post with them 😁

PS : That picture angered me a lot...because our school group had a name, "The Rainbows" and now my friends find it shameful to remember that beautiful memory,just because a rainbow is being used for gutterish things. Wallahu Musta'an 😕😬

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