The day of Judgement 💕

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I sometimes imagine the day of Judgement,.(may it pass in a blur for all of us).
Like, how it will be when we have all finished giving records and we have been finally given the good news,"Enter the Jannah Al Firdaws" and we are so happy and bright more than a glowing moon. We are holding hands of our loved ones looking at each other's faces, chanting in our heads 'we made it'. Crying tears of joy , forgetting the pain we've endured. And then taking a pause to look at the crowd. Trying to find the people we've met here,in this world. The brothers and sisters in Deen who came in contact with us maybe for a while , on some random street, or Masjid , or the bus ,or the train,...or the mall,...a cafe or grocery store. Anywhere. Someone who had smiled and given us a silent gesture of positivity. Someone who had given us a seat on the public transport. Someone who helped you load the grocery in your carrier. Someone who had given us a hearty advice. Someone who had given us their time on our bad day. Someone who encouraged us to be ourselves. Someone who brought us closer to our Rabb with their knowledge and words. Someone who met you on a random conference and ate your ears off asking questions upon questions. Few relevant while few totally out of syllabus. Someone on Facebook who always spread smiles and laughters, someone who made you fall in love with philosophy and broken heart, someone who fascinated you with just mere words, someone who reminded you of Allah and so many someone's that you cannot recall but remember. Somewhere back at your memory. And I pray all of us find each other. And In Sha Allah,  we will just stare at each other for a while. Just being content for each other's presence. Writing a mental note to visit soon.
I pray to Allah this becomes a truth,...infact more beautiful than this imagination.
I hope to meet you there 👆🏻 I hope you do the same. 🙃

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