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You know what I dread for my dear life? Attachments. With things, people, anything of this world. Nonetheless, no matter how hard we try, we, as humans are prone to grow fond of certain things. Or a person. Or many such person. It's our innate nature that we tend to make it an habit, to look at someone's face everyday and wish ourselves goodmornings. Habit of relating your days n night to someone or you'll be left feeling lonely. We are afraid of loneliness. It cuts deeper in our vulnerable moments. Books, Pets, Pictures, and stuff that reminds us of "good times"....we uphold them, because without them, our existence seems worthless. All our thoughts, actions..get centred towards the object of our attachment. Then comes a time when this special one has to be removed. This is life, meeting and parting...but then separation seems noxious. We don't even even want to think about it. But you know what the irony is, you'll be tested with what you love. Attachments are the biggest holders of our love. Parents, siblings, spouse, children, a friend, or someone you cannot give an accord to. It seems cruel when either of them are removed from your life, like a plant being uprooted from its night slumber, it leaves behind a mark, a pit that looks as if it'll never be filled except for with stones and soil. Like a grave. When our _Rooh_ is making its way out to the sky, the attachments shackle it's feet. Scratching it everytime it tries to free itself. Scraping its soft edges, hurting it to leave. When we keep our hearts attached to something other than what's Only Constant, it's very much undeniable that the heart will suffer losses.And this is why need to keep our hearts only occupied with Allah subhanahuwataala. For, eventually, everything will be parted from us. And as long as we are in the vicinity of it, our souls would keep struggling to choose between the Divine, and the temporary.
It's hard, too arduous to let go of something you've come to revere with all your being. But remember, all that's taking the place that Allah deserves is a plague. Our actions, our love, our reverence, our devotion, our desires too, should lead us closer to Allah subhanahuwataala.
Our love and interaction with His creation too, should be for His sake alone. When you find yourself being closer to someone for Allah's sake, Shaytan tempts you to think about the other ways the person can be closer to you. The other benefits it can bring other than leading you closer to Allah.,and we sometimes fall short in our intentions and taqwa that we fall prey to such thoughts. Perhaps, this is why people's beauty, external appearances, wealth, abilities and knowledge attract us. We think it's the connection of the soul, and to be fair, for some time, it really can be an honest connection but temptation and wasawees make our whole customs revolve around them. May Allah save us from it's clutches. Our time of remembrance of Allah are occupied in the idle thoughts about the object of our attachment. Pleasing them, looking for ways to make ourselves apparent to them, grabbing their attention and then chanting their name mentally until we fall asleep. How many times we find ourselves doing this? Our Salah, Our Dhikr...everything starts to get adulterated with an foreign thought that ruins our Khushua'.
And this is why I dread attachments, they neither bring your permanent joy and peace nor they let you achieve it through what we can achieve it.
They distract us from our purpose. And maybe this is why I find myself keeping a distance so long from people that no one violates the boudaries and invade my connection with Allah subhanahuwataala. This is why I always pray to Allah subhanahuwataala that He never allows something to occupy my heart and soul as He should, nothing clinges to my soul like a thorn of beautiful rose that dwindles my senses, and keeps me wounding everytime I try to pull away from it.
©️ Zeenat Nazeer 🍁

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