Clueless on how to ask Allah for something?

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Many of us have this problem that we cannot verbalize our Duas in the best of forms. Of course,  Allah is As Samee' , and Aa'limus-sudoor. The One Who knows what you are about to speak, and that too that you don't speak. But still, we have this desire to ask Allah, to talk to Him in the most beautiful way possible,  in the most eloquent and loving words, don't we ? Sometimes we cannot even say what we exactly want. We just lack that spiritual vocabulary to talk to Allah. But you know what I recommend to myself in such times ? The beautiful treasures our Rabb and His prophets(AS) gave us ! Yeah. The Quran and Sunnah. Seek its help. There are lot of Duas from the prophets(AS), that are described by Allah subhanahuwata'ala in the Quran. The "Rabbana" supplications as many call them. And the Duas made by our prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam,..I have tried to form one and wallahy I couldn't make anything close to the Dua he(saw) made ! Can there be any human best in speech and wisdom than him ? Obviously not ! The way he humbled himself, and asked Allah for things so earnestly that you just cannot comprehend the choices and uses of words and their constructions. I couldn't help but feel extremely awestruck whenever I read the supplications he sallallahu alayhi wasallam made. It speaks your heart, infact if there was anything beyond that ! You just read it and wonder , 'Ohhh ! I exactly needed this to say !'  SubhanAllah.
The Hisnul Muslim, or Rabbana series..and all the prophetic supplications...are the best way to beg Allah for things that we yearn to have. Of course you speaking whatever comes from your heart is beautiful as well. But trust me, my case, I haven't composed any Dua more precise than the Dua from Quran and Sunnah.
I just felt to share this recommendation with y'all. Hope it benefits atleast a little.
Jazakallah khayr for sparing your time.

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