Hating them ?

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Do you have someone whom you hate a lot ? So much so that you don't want to see their face/s  ever in your life, someone whom you just want to throw out of your life or from the lives of people who are dearer to you ? Here's what I wish to tell you.....

The word "hate" is a very vast term. Just like a vast range of barren lands or polluted lakes. For a believer, having hatred is only suitable in terms of sins and the actions Allah hates. Something that can bring us to hellfire. Apart from that, Allah wants us to be "FORGIVING".,like we learn that we should forgive someone as many times as we want Allah to forgive us.
When we hold grudge on someone, hate them for what they're doing, its a disease for our soul, for our heart. These places are very sensitive for keeping things, so vulnerable for filth. And hatred, is a filth. If you keep an ounce of hatred in your heart, it will try consuming and infecting the good that you have in yourself. Like a plague. It will eventually kill your positive side,the one who is humane.,that wants you to be at peace, to achieve contentment. It will engage you in thinking about the person you hate or want a revenge on. It will consume the time and energy you need to spend in your progress. It will make you so sick at heart, that you'd just feel tired and uneasy in the actions that are rewardable. But when you try to let it go, just let people be for who they are, accept the toxicity and move away from negative energies....you save yourself! The more difficult you find someone to forgive, the more Allah loves it,if you do. Thats basically Jihad. You are fighting your nafs to overcome the side of yours that enjoys misery or ill fate of someone.

Now, for many, this struggle is too hard. To not hate someone who is living close to you, within your family. Will I be wrong to say, that it might be someone from your in laws,or step mother or step father, or step sibling, or a friend or relative whom you cannot directly cut ties with, or a non practicing family,...but you know what? Allah sees it.
He is watching you grabbing the drops of patience, He is watching you struggling to keep your sanity. And He will reward you for it,when you let go of the hate. When you forgive and let Allah handle it, when you rely upon Him for your justice. Don't try to remove people from your life or the lives of those whom you don't want to be harmed. The people are there for a reason. Allah tests us with such people so we can practice patience. So we can become tolerant and humble.,so we can become the best version of ourselves. And if you are feeling yourself  getting bitter or you are dealing with them with the same toxicity and hatred...you are failing the test ! You are supposed to become softer and more kind in this process...but if you find yourself holding onto grudges, hating on people, fighting verbally or physically with them....No mate, you're FAILING THE TEST.
For Allah says,
*"And We have made some of you [people] as trial for others - will you have patience? And ever is your Lord, Seeing."* Surah Al Furqan ayah 20.

My dear, Allah is seeing. He cares. Be patient and deal with kindness and mercy, so you are dealt with mercy by Allah.

- Your Sister in Islam
_Zeenat Nazeer_

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