Bargaining with Allah ?!!

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So Mum was watching some Pakistani drama (Note : No fatawas over here. I'm tired giving her that. Lekin ye aajkal ki maaein sunti kahan hai ?! 😒) Anyway, the point is, she was watching it WITHOUT EARPHONES ! And I was reading something sitting beside her. And here,I would like to tell you, that if you want to snatch my mental stability and peace for a while, make me listen to a baby or a young girl sobbing and weeping loudly. Yeah. This was something exactly what was happening in that drama and it just irked me to no extent. But then I looked at the phone annoyed. And then the girl, who was sitting on a prayer mat, her face full of makeup (Drop it) , was making Dua to Allah for the hero apparently.
For a minute I observed her dialogues. And I found her saying, something like "give all the happiness of my life to him...may his all pain become mine....etc...etc..."
Typical ! Basically she was bargaining for his life, like oh Allah, give my breaths to him, like sacrificing herself in order to ensure his wellbeing. But why ?
Often times we make such duas. When we are so much in love with a person, our parents, or siblings, kids, spouse or a friend, we make duas for them going to an extreme unnecessary level of self sacrifice. Like ,it has become a course of making dua ,that we have to ask for someone's khayr by giving in return something good from us. But wait ! Why are you bargaining with Allah? Why make deals ?  Like, taking something in return of another thing. Allah doesn't need that. Allah is Al Wahhab. The one who gifts abundantly. Allah gives even when you don't ask ! Then why do you think, that He will need something from your share to give the same thing to another person ?! He is Al Mughni,the one who gives ,enriches without measure. SubhanAllah.

Allah has khazaeens, treasures of everything we have. Rizq, Sabr, Happiness, Contentment , Peace  , Gratitude, everything ! He gives to whom He wills in abundance and withholds His bounty from whom He wills. Now ,if you make dua for someone's rizq or happiness to don't need to sacrifice your share of happiness,your share of rizq. It doesn't work like that. Allah has decreed every single form of sustenance, precisely for every individual. He doesn't fall short in the resources. He created everything, and manages everything with we being totally insignificant in that process. He doesn't need to cut out our supplies or sustenance to give to others. He gives it anyway without we being affected in any way ! Its all written. Every morsel, every smile, every ounce of patience and peace you have, is decreed upon you. It was written in your sustenance. Not a drop can go below or above what's destined to make its way into your life. You don't have to forsake what's already yours to convince Allah for something. Your sincerity,the longing is what He sees. Then why not ask Allah from His immense mercy, His indefinite resources...because, He is Al Mujib, He loves to answer, He loves to be asked by His servants. Let's just drop these dramatic, damsel in distress kinda phrases when making Dua. The television has totally transformed the way we should see at the religion. There are so many things, beautified so that people can love hearing or seeing it.  Dialogues like, "Khuda kabhi maaf nahi karega," NaudhuBillah. They go against the attributes of Allah. He is the most forgiving. Indeed He forgives all sins ! But for the sake of heavy words, dramas and films use Allah's name insubordinately.  Wallahu Musta'an.

So now lets start to ask Allah for the abundant goodness from His treasures, the impossibles and the ones which are already there to be yours. Because He can give it,no matter what. He is competent over all things ❤

And yeah. Make dua everyone stops watching these melodramas too. Man !  these girls cry so weirdly, its annoyingly disturbing. 😫😒😬😬😬

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