For the spiritual seeker.

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To the one, who is tired of waiting, to that someone whose feets are bleeding because of all the rubbing on the hills in search of a Zam-Zam.
You too know this one thing, that we are complete strangers,I don't know who you are, you don't  know who I am. If I am to die today, you won't be among those last people I'd wish to see, if you are to disappear again like you do often, I'll forget you in a while like I do often. And I won't be in the list of people whom you'd want to say goodbye before leaving.
But when I heard you today, asking those innocent questions like a child who has burnt his hand with a hot kettle, and fears that it will never end ,the burning will never end....I saw my eyes tearing up. For a stranger. For someone across miles. For someone so different in my world.
But then I smiled again,...because I know mine and your Rabb is the One Rabb, Who's watching you, looking after you in this burning of yours. He knows you are hurting, He knows you are imagine. If someone like me felt for a moment to come and rescue you somehow,  to reach you and comfort you,take all your pain away....then that Rabb , Ar Rahman, Al Wadood. He loves you more than anyone could ever love you. Do you think, He will test you more than you can bear ? No ! He knows, you are stronger than you think. Braver and Resilient than you could imagine. And He, the Lord of worlds never tests anyone with more than they could handle.

Yes, waiting is tiresome. Being hurt every single moment still trying to smile is tiresome. But don't ever think that you will die in this misery. Allah will never let His beloved servant die without a content heart. He will rescue you. Try to seek the lesson He wants to teach you through it, try to discover the message this suffering's giving you. Try to look for those little surprise gift bags it has brought , those that feel as if been given a glass of chilled lemonade on a summer day. Just a single glass ,but refreshing for a while. Every hardship brings with it some comfort,some ease. Smile,acknowledge and express gratitude for them. It won't cut the waiting but it will lighten the journey maybe...

When Allah loves you, He makes you endure trials. So face those trials with a smile, because deep down you know He loves you.
The Prophet ﷺ said: “If Allah wants to do good to somebody, He afflicts him with trials.”

Do not give up the hope, because Adam AS, didn't either, now, did he ? We are his children. We won't give up on hope too, you hear me ? We WON'T give up on the hope ! Till you grab a breath, you stand tall and strong ! And you are strong,coz Allah has your back , Okay ?

May Allah turn the fire around you to flowers, may springs of sweet water sprout wherever your feets touch the ground, may the misery and agony never hold you captive ever again. May your waiting end soon. And may Allah's mercy, sabr and sakinah be poured upon you while you endure this waiting..Aameen.

And Yeah, this is specially meant to reach you today,I hope you see this, "Spiritual Seeker"
Aur haan, ek aur baat, thank you ki zarurat nahi hai,I know...."it really means a lotttt !"

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