Seeking closeness to Allah subhanahuwata'ala.

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For those, seeking closeness to Allah subhanahuwata'ala, seeking spirituality, trying to fill that void within you with something that'll help you become stronger and more content, those who are trying to put back their broken hearts together, struggling with their ownself, searching ways out of the despair and anguish. Those trying to free their souls from wordly chains and purify it through devout ness. Those who're in a pursuit of the essence of life and existence....those who are curious to reflect at their own individuality...and those who are trying to be at peace with themselves....
Do you know? In one of the ayah of Surah Ash Shu'ara , Allah says,He has sent down the Quran as "Rūh". This is one of the very astounding facts of Quran. That Allah calls it "Rūh". The book, the speech of Allah, something that's basically not a "living being" is referred to as "Rūh".
It is because,  the Quran has to be made the essence of our existence. Our souls need to be nourished with this purest of Rūh that Allah sent for us. In the same ayah Allah calls the Quran, light and guide towards the straight path. Now, try to bring it together, in a metaphorical way, someone directing you towards a place which is bright, and an easy to walk...holding your hand, and helping you cross the obstacles...bringing you towards a safe place, away from the darknesses and dangers.
Now think back, ...the Quran does the same thing with you. It enlightens your insides, brings you on the straight path. A place so brightened that you see life are no longer oblivious to its tests and challenges. You are acquainted with the knowledge you need to be strong and content.
The worldly life is but a place of darkness, except for those who have the lamp of Quran illuminating their path. So make it your Ruh if you are seeking spirituality.
You can never find the purest of spiritualism without Quran. You can go search for it in the tombs of saints ,the Dargahs, and look for it in the 'wish threads', in the 'mazaar ke phool', or 'the fragrant aura ' of it. You can go search it in some 'murshid-murid' can look for it in the poems of Rumi,  in the books of Ibn Al arabi., in the excursions of darwaish, in the qawwalis, and surprisingly,  in some random ghazals or NFAK songs as well....but know that...nowhere you'll find the true connotations of your questions. The purpose you are seeking, will never find in these shams. Just because someone repeats the name of Allah in the song, doesn't mean, the songs become pious for the ears. No ! Infact its even more dangerous as most of the time, such songs lead people towards shirk and kufr.  All you are going to feel is timely numbing of your pain after this. Not healing . Deception into spirituality. You'll return back to being miserable once you turn them off.
And that is why, I urge you to seek your medicine in the ultimate truth. The only unadulterated source of peace and knowledge on the earth. The Quran, and it implications in the authentic sunnah. Seek your orchid in them. Apart from this, you'll never ever need anything else to achieve the contentment you are so badly seeking..

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