Importance of sound aqeedah

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Few days back..I was out for shopping with my father. While waiting at the outdoor parking for him, my sight fell upon this site. A new construction near the shopping complexes. The first thing that caught my attention was this board where MashaAllah is written. Its kinda normal thing here. Though I haven’t found its base in Quran or Sunnah ,..still..most of the muslims here hang such MashaAllah boards at their new constructions or vehicles. Probably for everyone to promptly utter MashaAllah to avoid evil eyes. But the very next second my mind frowned seeing that black creepy doll hanging upside down near this board. I don’t know what its called, but I’ve seen many non muslims hang it on their homes. To avoid devil. And for a good minute, I kept staring at it...deciding whether should I laugh or cry for this ridiculous logic.
When my father came., he asked me why am I staring at that half constructed building weirdly...and I told him sighing that it is where the aqeedah gets corrupted !
If a person relies on Allah with complete tawakkul, for protection of his/her things..whether it is, property, health, lives, homes , wealth..etc...Allah can still protect him just because he has this intention in his /her mind...that Allah is enough. A place where Quran, specifically Surat Al Baqarah is recited...shaytan flees from such place. But people always tend to find shortcuts...and instead of reciting QalamAllah...they make it a picture and hang it in there like an amulet. And nowhere in Quran and Sunnah we find such things. Its clearly a biddah. lets see what’s a greater violation of our Deen is. Hanging that black a pagan avoid the devilish activities from a place. But the muslims living among pagans, have been hypnotized with their culture so much so that...they think that this polytheism can save their treasures from “buri nazar". The lack of knowledge on sound aqeedah has lead many muslims astray. When you think anything other than Allah possesses such protective is clear shirk. Nothing can save you or your property if Allah wills to destroy it. And nothing can harm it...if Allah is protecting it. Only ALLAH ALONE  has this power.If this mere thought is fortified in the hearts of muslims,....their actions will be more inclined towards Tawheed. May Allah help us all. 
Now back to the doll thing. For once I thought...I should go to that place back..and throw some rocks and somehow lend some loss to the place so that the owner gets to know..that..neither of the hanging amulets could save his place from damage. The guard wasn’t there. It was as easy as putting sugar in the milk. But my father laughed on this idea (🙄) and pulled me away with him. Alhamdulillah. But I still feel bad for not doing so.
When one puts such polytheistic things at home or there you know what shaytan does ? he makes other shaytan stop from damaging that place. Like, hey buddy...I’m on a much bigger mission than yours ! Because damaging the Eimaan of the owner is greater victory for him than damaging some materialistic property. It encourages people to believe that this “anti buri nazar wala puppet "  has  saved this place . So they are further pushed in the darkness of shirk. And all the while...their Eimaan is being settled down and down. But remember it still happens with the permission of Allah subhanahuwata’ala. He guides whom he wills and He is the One...who increases people further in their error, He is the one who lets some walk on Sirat al Mustakim...while lets some go astray. Only He knows what people deserve and what not.
I earnestly pray to Allah subhanahuwata’ala that He, the Most Merciful, The One Who Guides...guides us all towards , correct and sound aqeedah atTawheed...and makes our heart firm on His Deen...and protect our Ummah from every single deviation that exists. Aameen.

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