Being 'friends' with a "HIM"

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Lately, I was thinking to share a topic with ya'll,but couldn't wrap it up somehow. But Alhamdulillah, recently came across a post that includes most of the things I wanted to share and it just prompted me to share it ASAP.

I've been using Facebook for nearly 5 years now, and in all these years,at the earliest days,I never accepted requests from brothers no matter who they were. Even cousins. But later on, I thought, that accepting the requests won't make a big deal ! I mean, their profiles were so "Islamic" and they were sharing good reminders !
Few months went fine. I couldn't notice the unusual likes,reacts and comments. But then one day ,one of my Ustadha was speaking with me, and she said, "One of the major fitnah for a religious boy is a religious girl and vice versa" and that had hit me hard. I had experienced such behaviours myself when brothers reacted and commented unnecessarily on anything and everything. It might be to seek attention. Allahu Aalam. But what I could conclude from that was, even if your "intentions are pure" ,you never know what the other person is having in their heart. Infact we too,might be unknowingly looking forward to certain comments or reacts. Then the things reach inbox and then to something that shouldn't happen. I need not debate for this. We are supposed to avoid gatherings where we're afraid of falling in fitnah, but we do not understand the gravity of such matters on social media. This post of sister Aisha Bint Hassan explains it precisely. And even after reading it, you still don't feel it important to maintain your distance from non mahrams on social media... Then PERIODT. Debate ? We don't wanna do that here !!!

- [ please read this 🔽 !! ]

📌Write up from here, belongs to unknown person.

Brothers and sisters,

Suppose you’re walking by a non-mahram brother/sister on the streets, would you go over and start talking them, giving out comments like “Ma Sha Allah Akhi/Ukhti” start chuckling and joking? No right?

So why do you do that on the social media? Why do you ❤️ react to the posts of your brother/sister, why do laugh react to the posts of your brother/sister, and comment on the pictures and posts of the brothers and sisters? You think your reactions, your comments, would go unnoticed to the Akh/Ukht who’s behind that account? No, سبحان الله. Even brothers and sisters aren’t free from these plots of Shaytan, نعوذ بالله!

Observe Hayā on social media too, just like you would observe it in public. Avoid exposing yourself to the freemixing traps on the social media, just like you would avoid it in public. On social media, you may be unknown and unseen to the others, but how can you go unknown and unseen to Al-Baseer?!

If you see a beneficial/important post, then simply share, or, copy paste, as even then, the Khayr will be passed إن شاء الله:

Abu Mas’ud reported: The Prophet, ﷺ said, “Whoever guides someone to goodness will have a reward like one who did it.”
Sahih Muslim 1893


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