Freedom of speech/ Wisdom of speech

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Its really an art to hold our tongues back when our opinions aren't exactly asked for. We should understand, especially on social media, that people do have different mindsets and even if its not the way we think, it can be right as well. There are several angles of looking at a thing, perspectives to understand it. It doesn't mean, if it doesn't coincide with yours,its wrong ! We should stop giving our two cents everywhere., proving we are the only right person in the conversation.,we are the only people who think straight, for Allah's sake ! Like,for example, a person expresses their love for dogs and we just jump on them to prove how its "haram" and not permissible and how erroneous act it is to "love" dogs ! SubhanAllah ! Meanwhile, we don't try to know if they're keeping it as a pet or not....maybe they just feel the affection for the animal and don't have it at their home !
Lets just acquire the wisdom in ourselves that we don't have a say in everything people do. All our acts and thoughts aren't certified as the only "corrects".
Now many will have objection to this paragraph too. But PLEASE ! Keep it to yourself. Hold back those fingers and tongue from "shedding" that wisdom. May Allah reward us all for it. Aameen 🙃

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