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Before reading this book, you must read this page of warnings and shit!



All rights reserved.  Don't rewrite my story without my permission when it's not yours.

(Seluruh hak cipta dilindungi. Jangan menulis ulang cerita saya tanpa izin saya ketika itu bukan milik Anda)
All scenes and names in this story are purely from the author's imagination.  All forms of similarity of plots, events and characterizations are really not due to deliberate elements.
This story contains sexual elements and intimate scenes in clear and detailed, violence and abuse. If you don't like things like this, please stay away.

Don't tell me I haven't warned you.


Story began : October, 15 2021
Story ends : ?



STEPBROTHERTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang