The Trip

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It's pretty late at night. I checked my phone to see that it's nearing 2am, but im lost in thoughts and need to clear my mind.

I took the blanket off of me and sat up quitely, looking over at the other bed to see if Sapnap was still awake.

I didn't want to risk having to explain myself, i'll just make sure to be back before he wakes up.

I got up quickly and quietly and slid on my shoes. I walked out of the hotel room and shut the door as quietly as i could behind me.

Ive never been to New York, so i have no idea where im going but we're in the city. I'm sure the park is close.

I walked down the hall and followed the signs making my way to the elevator. It was pretty quiet, no one was walking the halls so i didn't expect their to be anyone in the elevator as well.

I pressed the button and walked in. When i looked up i noticed someone else was standing in there. He didn't move so im assuming he had the wrong floor.

Another guy. That was odd, he didn't walk out when the elevator stopped.

"What floor?" I asked politely

I hadn't been in many elevators, but i learned from shows and movies that this was the polite thing to do in this situation.

He looked up at me with a polite smile.

"Hit the button for the floor you'd like to go to, i don't mind"

His voice was soft and polite. I felt bad for making it a hassle, but from the looks of it he seemed to actually be heading to a room.

"No no it's okay, you were here first, i'd rather save you the time.

I tried to be reassuring, i gave him a soft smile.

"I really don't mind, im not headed anywhere specific"

I gave him and nodded. I hit the button for the first floor and waited as the elevator began to carry us down.

It dawned on me that i don't actually know where im going.

"Hey, do you happen to know where Central Park is?"

He looked up at me for a minute with a look like he was thinking.

"I do!" He smiled and gave me the directions.

I made a mental note in my mind of where to go, and before we knew it we were on the first floor and the elevator doors opened.

"Thank you so much for your help" I smiled at him as i walked out of the elevator.

"No problem" he nodded and walked out behind me

We made our separate ways.

I walked out of the lobby and began walking. This time of year New York was pretty cold. Their was some snow on the ground, but it was pretty much melted.

I examined the area and admired some of the pretty scenery. One thing i did notice is that the roads and sidewalks are both just as full as they would be if it was 5 in the afternoon right now.

No wonder they call it the city that never sleeps.

After walking a few blocks, i started to see what looked like a park just a bit out of my vision. I kept walking in that direction while i thought about things.

About 5 minutes later i heard a ding that stopped me in my tracks.

Shit. My phone went off, and it was probably Sapnap wondering where the heck i am. I hesitantly pulled out my phone to check the notification.

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