7. Back home pt 2

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Dream and George went on to finish their honey moon. While the two were in Florida they spent plenty of time with each other, but one of their most favorite parts of the whole trip was getting to help Darrell and Tammy. That special gesture made their honeymoon unforgettable. Now the two are back at home winding down after an amazing, busy week.

"You wanna know something?" George said softly to Dream.

"What's that?" He replied, laying down next to his partner.

"I'm very thankful for you, you wanna know why?"

"Why?" Dream asked softly with a smile.

"Things could have gone very different that day, you know? The day that i found you on that bench."

"Stop-" Said Dream.

"If our timing would have even been off by just a few minutes, maybe we never would have even crossed paths" George added

"Noo don't say that" Dream said, softly grabbing George's hand. "I don't want to think about that".

"No matter how much of a shitty day that was, im grateful that it happened and im so beyond grateful for you." Dream added.

George smiled. "You mean a lot to me Dream."

Dream smiled back. "You mean a lot to me."

"It was that day, in that moment that i knew that you and i would forever be soulmates."


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