George snapped.

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2 weeks later.

Waffle House pt. 2

"Thank you guys for agreeing to sit with me." Dream stated. He received nothing but silence. As he looked over at George and Sapnap, he was met with a cold stare, and nothing but the top of a full head of hair and two hands twiddling with hoodie strings.

"Okay look" he paused. "I know, I know, i really screwed up. What i did was awful and i never should have disappeared like that."

"But you did." Sapnap butted in.

Dream nodded. "I did. Because i was scared."

"Scared of what? Your boyfriend saying no? He loves you too much and you know he would of-"

"Sapnap-" Dream interrupted.

"No, no. You know he would have gone anywhere with y-"

"Sapnap stop." George snapped. The two went silent.

"Both of you stop. This is ridiculous! I can speak for myself." George began to get up and walk away.

"George wait!" Dream quickly stood up and grabbed George's arm.

George stopped and rolled his eyes. "What could you possibly say to make this better, Dream?"

"I dropped my manager."

George crossed his arms. "You what?"

"I dropped my manager."

"Okay and?"

"I couldn't bare being away from you, he insisted that week touring and i told him no. Well, I didn't necessarily say no..."

"Of course you didn't."

"I ran George."

George scoffed. "That seems to be your superpower lately isn't it?"

Dream sighed. "George... im trying to be serious."

"When have you ever been serious?!" George raised his voice. "Was anything in our relationship ever serious to you, Dream?"

The entire place went silent.

Dream felt his heart shatter as he looked around the restaurant to see everyone staring. Even Sapnap had a look of shock on his face.

"Look, im really trying here George..." Dream spoke softly.

"If you were really 'trying', you wouldn't have walked out of my life 7 years ago. OUR life. Did it really mean anything to you?"

"George-" Dream butted.

"All those discord calls, the syncing of our sleep schedules, the countless hours we spent on Minecraft, all the videos... everything we built together?"

"George.." Dream choked.

"And what about Patches? You've been here for what? 3 weeks now? You haven't even came to get her, or even see her. Do you really even care anymore, Dream?!" George yelled.

Dream was silent. He clenched his jaw trying to steer away from the breaking point he was very quickly falling into.

"Dude" Sapnap came up behind George and grabbed onto his shoulder.

George jerked. "Don't touch me!"

"You need to chill." Sapnap stated.

"Don't tell me to-"

"Everyone is looking." Sapnap interrupted. "This is embarrassing for the both of you."

Dream and George looked at each other then back at Sapnap.

"Take it outside."

Sapnap grabbed their arms and walked them out into the parking lot.

Dream walked over to the sidewalk ledge and sat down. "I just need you to understand this wasn't easy for me either". He began to break down.

"But it was easy for you to not talk to anyone for 7 years." George commented.

Sapnap sighed. "George I swear-"

"Who's side are you on Sapnap?!"

"Look, im not trying to side with anyone. You're both my best friends but you really need to get your head out of your ass for a second. Dream is clearly overwhelmed and you're blowing everything off."

George huffed. "Whatever."


"I had no choice" Dream butted in.

Sapnap and George looked over.

Dream wiped his eyes. "I.. look i can't say much right now but just know when i can-"

"When you can?"

Dream lifted up his arm and pretended to look at his imaginary watch. "I have to go but i'll tell you later" he got up quickly and walked to his car.

"What?" Sapnap and George said in sync.

"I'll tell you later! Meet me at the house tomorrow night at 9pm sharp!" Dream yelled as he began to drive away.

Sapnap and George looked back at each other.

George shrugged. "Typical."

"Maybe he had a meeting or something" Sapnap stated.

"Who knows what singers do when they're not on stage." George added.

The end.
To be continued ...

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