Christmas Countdown

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About a month has passed since the day that Sapnap and i were at George's house. We found out the guy that was guilty now has some pretty serious charges, he'll be spending lots of time locked up.

Christmas is in a few days, George is staying with Sapnap and i until New Years. The three of us planned some fun things to do and places to go together leading up to Christmas and im very excited for these next 9 days.

New York is one of those places that always gets hit by a crazy amount of snow every year. Luckily snow fell just a few days ago and their was a pretty good blanket covering the ground.

George really wanted us all to go out and build a snowman, so we bundled up really well and headed out the door.

George immediately went and started rolling up the snow for the first ball.

"Wait let me help!" Sapnap yelled and ran over to George.

"Oh! I'll look for a nose" I walked around the yard in search for a stick. With the snow everywhere that was more challenging, but i managed to find one.

I worked on rolling up the second ball, slightly smaller than the first one while they finished up theirs.

Out of the 3 of us, im the only one not used to the snow. Where im from its pretty much warm all year round, at least warmer than most places. This is my first winter in a place where it snows, it's very cold and will take time to get used too, but im having fun.

Time went on and we got the head of the of the snowman, which George placed on top, then i put the nose on.

"Wait! We need the eyes and mouth" Sapnap laughed

"Shoot that's right now can we forget that"

"We bought some stuff for this, remember! I'll go get it" I quickly ran inside the house and grabbed what we needed.

I walked back out to the guys and quickly passed out some of the clips of fake coal to them. We put them i let Sapnap and George make the mouth, then i added the last two for the eyes.

"We did it!" Cheers could be heard from both Sapnap and George. I couldn't help but laugh from their excitement.

"Let's take a picture with it"

"Yeah let's go!"

"I'll take it" i smiled and grabbed my phone out of my pocket. I took off one of my gloves so i could use my phone properly.

We all stood around the snowman and i took the picture.

"Got it" i let out a chuckle and put my phone away then slipped my glove back on. "Let's go inside and warm up for a bit" i suggested.

"Yeah let's do that im cold" George made his way to the front door and Sapnap and i followed behind.

We all took off our shoes and coats at the door.

"I'll make us hot chocolate, one of you pick a movie"

"Let's watch the polar express!" Sapnap shouted while running to the living room

"Wait no Charlie Brown!" George protested and ran after him.

"You guys are idiots" i laughed at them and made my way into the kitchen.

I got out mugs for all 3 of us. Earlier when we were at the store buying everything we'd need, we all bought mugs. George got one with Rudolph on it, the nose is heat changing so when you touch it it lights up, Sapnap got a home alone themed one, and i just got one with a bunch of cats in stockings on it.

I poured milk into our mugs and stirred the hot chocolate powder in then heated them up in the microwave for a bit so they were nice and hot.

"Guys, i got the hot cocoa ready!" I shouted.

I definitely could not carry all 3 hot mugs to them myself. The guys came and got their mugs and we went back to the living room.

"Did you guys decide on a movie?" I sat down next to George and teased them.

"ye-" Sapnap began to speak before George cut him off

"Sapnap wants to watch home alone, but i think we should watch the polar express"

"Let's see what Dream thinks" Sapnap chimed in.

I thought for a moment before answering.

"Hmm, well personally, i would choose Elf" i laughed.

I felt George punch my shoulder lightly which made me laugh harder.

"You suck" Sapnap teased and laughed.

"Fine, Rock Paper Scissors" i looked at them.

"First to 3?" Sapnap asked

George looked at both of us"

"First to 3"

We all put our hands up

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" We shouted, putting out our hands.

George = paper, me = rock, Sapnap = scissors.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" We repeated

George = rock , me = scissors , Sapnap = scissors

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" We shouted again.

George = scissors , Me = rock , Sapnap = scissors

One more time we repeated

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" We shouted again.

George = scissors , me = rock , Sapnap = paper

"I won!" I cheered and laughed. "Let's gooo we're watching ELF!!"

"Dangit!" Sapnap yelled. "I was so close"

"We tied, idiot" George chimed in"

"It was still really close"

George laughed "whatever"

I laughed at them and i put on the movie. We sat and watched it, and before you know their was more laughs and jokes flying as the movie went on.

I took a sip of my hot chocolate and sat the mug back down on the coffee table then sat back and got comfy again. George leaned against me and wrapped his arms around my arm that was closest to him like a hug. His hands still felt cold from when we were outside.

I grabbed both of his hands and held them in mine. "George your hands are still freezing"

"I'm still coldddd" he leaned into me closer

"Here" i let go of his hands and grabbed the blanket that was hanging over the back of the couch behind us.

"Cover up, love" I drooped the blanket over him and wrapped my arms around him. We both went back to watching the movie.

About an hour passed and we finished watching ELF. We all decided that we wanted to go back outside for a bit, Sapnap wanted to have a snowball fight and George and i didn't mind.

We bundled back up and went back outside. We stayed out for about 20 minutes while we had our snowball fight and even managed to film some.

We decided it was time to go back inside, George walked in and Sapnap and i followed behind.


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