New Years Day

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It's officially New Year's Day. New Year's Eve i guess I should say. It's only almost noon and the ball drops at Midnight.

The guys aren't awake yet, last night we went into the city and did a bunch of the Christmas activities that were going on so they're definitely pretty warn out.

I got up and slipped a hoodie on, im still in pajamas but the morning air is cold. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a mug and made some hot chocolate. I've never been a fan of coffee, but the hot chocolate will do the job with warming me up while i waited for the rest of the house to wake up.

I decided that since it's the last day of George's stay for now, i'll go all out and make everyone's favorites.

I'm definitely no where near a chef, i only recently learned how to cook since im living away from my moms house now, she's been teaching me and i've grown to love cooking myself. I'll admit, i do miss my moms cooking sometimes but it feels nice to not have to depend on her or constantly buy store bought freezer foods.

I finished up the last of the pancakes and scooped the scrambled eggs from the pan into a big bowl, after that i placed the French toast i just made into a pan to cool.

I shut off the burners that i had the pancakes and eggs on, and started making some gravy to go with the biscuits i made.

Country gravy is Sapnaps favorite so that's what i went with.

George is pretty simple so i made pancakes and eggs, he also really likes French Toast so i made that as well.

Just as i was finishing everything up the guys came downstairs one by one.

"Morning sleepyheads" i let out a laugh and teased them.

"It smells like a restaurant in here" Sapnap laughed and walked over to the kitchen

"Jesus, what time is it" George rubbed his eyes

"Well it's almost noon"

"Oops" Sapnap laughed

"Yeah" i laughed, "but! Foods done" i handed George and Sapnap plates and i grabbed one as well. I had everything already set out on the kitchen island so it was really easy for everyone to get their food.

"You made biscuits and gravy!!" Sapnap yelled excitedly. I laughed and nodded.

George went to get his food, his face lit up when he noticed the French toast. He grabbed a couple of pieces and put them on his plate.

"Dream, you didn't have to go all out like this" he smiled, i couldn't help but smile back.

"It's our last day of this little vacation. Go big or go home" I chuckled.

Sapnap scoffed and sat down at the table with his food. "That sounds like Dream"

"Stop, eat your food" i laughed and sat down across from Sapnap, George followed beside me.

We finished dinner and i collected everyone's plates. I placed everything that was empty in the sink for later. I'll have a lot of dishes to wash later tonight.

We decided the last thing we would do before George goes home tomorrow is go to the New Years celebration in time square. It's always been a Dream for the three of us to watch the ball drop in person and tonight will be that night.

It took us about 4 hours to get ready to go out. We all made sure we bundled up again. I grabbed extra gloves and stuffed them in my coat pockets because George is hard headed when it comes to gloves and i know he'll need them later.

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