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I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

"Hey" i heard someone whisper carefully. "Hey wake up"

I opened my eyes. I'm still in the park and i could tell the sun was going to start coming up here pretty soon.

Oh no, i fell asleep.

I looked over to see im laid out on the bench and the boy is still sitting next to me.

In a soft tone he spoke.

"Hey, you fell asleep" he told me with a smile.

"Oh god" i sat up and rubbed my eyes. "How long was i out? im so sorry i didn't even realize i fell asleep."

"It's all good. You we're out for a couple of hours, you seemed to really need it after the conversation we had. You started to fall asleep so i let you. I figured I'd stay so no one tried to mess with you" he smiled.

"God that's sweet" i thought to myself. "I feel bad for falling asleep, but that's so sweet."

"By the way, what's your name? If you don't mind me asking?"

I chuckled. "It's Dream, what's yours?"

"I'm George" he smiled.

I smiled back. "It's nice to meet you George"

I stretched then grabbed my phone and checked the time. "I should probably be getting back to my hotel, i don't want to worry my friend."

He nodded. "I understand, i should probably head to bed as well"

I nodded.

"Hey, again if you don't mind, I'd like to give you my number. I think you're really cool and would love to keep in contact"

I smiled. "Of course! here"

I opened up my contacts and gave him my phone. He put his number in and named his contact then handed it back.

"Sweet, if you have any problems getting home, or getting around. Or maybe if you're just bored or something text me"

I nodded. "I will, thank you George"

"Of course" he smiled and started making his way out of the park.

I waited a bit then made my way out not too long after.





Once i got back into the building, i quickly made my way to our hotel room. I opened the door quietly and walked in being very careful not to wake Sapnap.

I wasn't all that tired so i took off my shoes and coat and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

Their was still atleast a few hours until Sapnap would be up, so i sat down on the couch and turned the TV on and made sure the volume was low. I sat with a blanket over me and watched TV.

I remembered George had put his number in my phone. It made me smile knowing i had ran into someone like him.

I decided to shoot him a message and let him know i made it back


Hey, i made it back :)

Great! glad you made it okay:)

Thank you for tonight
I'm grateful I had you to talk to :)

Any time you ever need
someone im here!

I really appreciate that :)
Keep that in mind as well
Any time of the day or night
I don't mind

We exchanged messages for a little longer then George told me he was going to sleep.

I plugged my phone in and went back to watching some random comedy i found on the TV while i wait for Sapnap to wake up.


NOTE: hey! I apologize for the shorter chapter. I hope you're enjoying the story so far!

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