4: honeymoon phase

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Just a quick disclaimer: theirs going to be a few quick cuts in the story here so some may find this chapter a bit annoying, hopefully not! But here's the warning ahead of time :,)


It's officially day 1 of our honey moon. I woke up to the beautiful sound of birds and seagulls chirping on the beach, the waves lightly crashing against the shore, and my beautiful husband in my arms.

I let out a quiet sigh of contentment. I'm really grateful that life has brought me here, brought us here together, and i can't wait to see how the rest of our journey plays out.

I need to get ready so i got up carefully, doing my best not to wake George and gathered clothes for a shower.

"There he is" i was greeted by George with a big goofy smile as i made my way back to my suitcase after a quick shower.

"Good morning, sunshine" i couldn't help but smile as i stuffed my old clothes into a bag i had brought for the dirty ones.

"You look happy today" George smiled.

"Says the one with a goofy smile slapped across his face" i chuckled.

That made George blush.

"Stop" he laughed and tossed the nearest pillow at me.

I bursted out into laughter.

"I'll let you win this one"

"You'll 'let' me win? I clearly won that fair and square" he laughed.

"Oh stop it" i smiled and put the pillow back on the bed.

"Get dressed im taking you somewhere"

Excitement fueled, George sprung up and before i even had time to think he grabbed a clean change of clothes and hopped in the shower.


Dream and i made a deal before they left that i could invite my friends over while they're gone as long as i promise to not let Patches out and keep the house nice. Clearly i wouldn't let Patches out because why would i do that? Now, my friends are not necessarily.. local.

Karl, he lives in North Carolina and Quackity is back and fourth from Mexico and LA. So of course i actually invited them a few days ago and just didn't tell Dream. Karl and Quackity should be arriving today.

"Are we almost there?" George had been covering his eyes.

"Just a little bit longer, we're right around the corner" i chuckled.

I made him put on a blindfold, as cheesy as it is, so i directed him to where we were going.

Soon enough, we came up to our destination.

Now a little information about George. He has a thing for small businesses, especially diners, he's always showing me pictures of places he would love to go try out. Places like the cat cafe, the beach wood cafe (he likes Harry styles), etc. This diner in particular is pretty new.

He even went as far as getting in touch with the owners and letting them know that one day he would make it down.

The owners are an elderly couple in their late 60's. Their goal was to make it a family thing but from what ive heard, their kids didn't really want the responsibility. George and i have always had a soft spot in our hearts for old people.

George has no idea that we're not only right outside of the place, but we're also about to change their lives.

"Okay" i smiled and stood beside George. "take off the blindfold."

With a blink of an eye the blindfold came off.

Their was a moment of silence before realization hit George.

"No way" he covered his mouth.
I smiled. "Recognize this?"
"Dream !!" He squealed in excitement. "You're kidding!!"

I couldn't help but laugh. "No no not at all! Let's go inside" i smiled and grabbed his hand.

We walked inside and George's eyes lit up. He was in awe of the place. The inside of this cafe was just as beautiful as the outside.

The walls were teal and their was plants and vintage and antique items everywhere. The flooring was tile and their was even a bakery section.

He had trailed off a bit exploring the place so i walked up behind him. "It's beautiful isn't it?" i smiled.

He looked back at me with a smile and nodded.

"Let's go find the owners." I took his hand and walked up to the counter that the couple stood behind.

"Hello!" I smiled, i was able to get a quick glance at there name tags. There names were Darrel and Tammy.

When Tammy looked over at us, she seemed to have recognized George. Her eyes lit up and she let out an audible gasp.

"George? Is that you dear?" The sweet lady asked.


To be continued

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