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The next morning rolled around. I woke up to the sounds of Christmas Music softly booming through speakers in the house and laughter coming from the living room.

I got up and rubbed my eyes and walked out to where Sapnap and George were, it looked like they were playing heads up. They were sat on the floor in front of opposite sides of the coffee table with little plastic headband things and cards.

I walked up behind George and gently poked his sides, knowing how ticklish he is it made him burst out laughing.

"So you guys are playing without me?" I teased, i couldn't hold in my laughter from what I'd just did.

"Shut up, you were asleep" Sapnap laughed

"Yeah you shouldn't have went back to sleep earlier" George teased.

"Whatever" i couldn't help but laugh. "You guys finish this round then i wanna play"

I ruffled up George's hair then walked into the kitchen. Patches was laying on the floor all curled up into a ball. I sat down on the floor and held her in my lap, petting her softly.

Im so glad she came back. 5 months was a really long time and i was starting to loose hope.

After a little bit i got up and refilled her food and water bowls and checked on the food that we had started preparing earlier this morning. Everything looked and smelled so good.

Sapnap and George finished their round of heads up, neither of them were able to figure out what they were so they gave in. I went and joined in for a new round.

"you idiot, he isn't edible" i yelled out laughing.

Sapnap went to defend himself

"Yes he i-" i could see him think for a moment before talking again. "Wait... well-" he drifted off. "No no you're right"

"Let's gooo!!!" I cheered.

"But you're a part of Minecraft" Sapnap blurted out quickly.

"Sapnap!!! You just gave it away" i bursted out laughing.

"Am i a witch?"

Through laughter i confirmed

"WOOO LETS GOO!!" He cheered in excitement.

George was the last one to guess his card, his was more tough then mine and Sapnaps though. I was a dog and Sapnap was a cop.

As the day went on we played more games and found more activities to do before our Christmas Meal.

We showed each other our stockings that we crafted for each other earlier in the week. We all decided that it would make it more fun if we kept it a surprise, we all agreed to use these next year. Hopefully by then George will be moved in.

"This looks amazing" i chuckled.

George had drawn my signature smiley face onto a stocking in black glittery glue and stuck on some tiny little candy cane stickers and other little things to make it decorated more.

"No way did you do this! This is sick"

Sapnap smiled. George and i decided to half and half work on Sapnaps stocking. I attempted to paint fire onto it and George added his glasses and a smiley face to represent the two of us.

"Stop" I laughed. "No way you did this"

George decorated my stocking. He drew these little blobs on it for what looked like to represent the Dream team, and he even drew Patches which looked insanely good.

Other little things were sprinkled along the stocking as well.

"Guys!! Foods done!!" I yelled to the two in the living room. I brought things out of the oven and prepared each crockpot, pan, etc with our food nicely out on the counters and prepared the table.

The guys came running. We were all pretty eager to eat, everything smelled so good. I handed both of them plates then quickly ran over to the Alexa requesting Christmas music to start playing.

I walked back over and waited for the guys to start gefirnt what they wanted and joined in.

We all filled our plates up and sat at the table and enjoyed our Christmas dinner. Every so often one of us made a funny remark or we all shouted the lyrics to the song that was playing at the moment.

After we finished the main course, i cleaned up the counters a bit and brought out lots of different things for desert.

Their was a key lime pie, pumpkin and apple pie, and brownies that i made using my moms special recipe that she reserved only for Christmas and Thanksgiving Day. They were killer.

Ever since i moved away she likes to send me recipes every now and then.

We ate until we were all full. Sapnap looked like he was on the brink of falling asleep right in his seat, and George kept whining about how full he was.

I got up and cleaned up the kitchen, wrapping things up and putting everything in the fridge. I even slipped some little pieces of ham and turkey into Patches bowl. Sapnap and i will definitely be eating lots of left overs for a little bit.

"Let's watch a Christmas movie!!" Sapnap yelled and grabbed a blanket, laying down on one of the couches. George sat down as well.

I chuckled and grabbed the remote.

"We'll watch home alone today since the other two times we already watched what George and i wanted to see"

"Let's gooo!!!" Sapnap cheered.

George and i didn't mind either. I put on the movie and sat down next to George. He immediately rested his head on my shoulder and wrapped an arm loosely across my stomach. I could tell he was also ready to go into a food coma at any moment. I wrapped my arms around him and held him close.

It's always weird how that happens on holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving. Something about the food just hits different.

About 30 minutes into the movie i looked over to see Sapnap and George were knocked out cold. Patches had came up and laid with George and i, she was knocked out too. I got so into the movie i didn't even notice the silence coming from them.

I smiled to myself. It felt really weird not being in my moms home for Christmas, celebrating with her and my dad and sister, but being here in my own home with Sapnap and George, two of my favorite people is the best. We all had such a great and fun day.

I think it's safe to say Dream team Christmas was a success.


Hello! Just to clear some things up, the big spaces in between some parts of the story indicate time skips, almost like little flashes to things that happen through out the day! Hopefully i did a good job of showing that and i hope you're enjoying!

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