My mom

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The last 7-8 hours of the drive flew by. George and i talked about anything and everything that came to mind, he told me more about London which was really cool. It seems like a great place to visit.

I pulled up to my moms house and parked. I looked over at George with a smile.

"Ready to go meet my family?"

He nodded at me and smiled. I could tell he's nervous.

"It's gonna go great, theirs nothing to worry about" i smiled and reassured. "My mother is a sweetheart"

He took a deep breath and smiled. "Lets go"

"Wait stay there and grab patches" I smiled and got out out of the car.

I remembered this thing my mom always told me when i got old enough. "If you're walking into or out of a place, you hold the door for them. If you're getting in or out of the car, open and close the door. If you're at a restaurant, you pull out the chair and gently push it back in once they've sat."

I could still hear the words in her head clear as day like she was standing right in front of me telling me. Not that i mind it though, im a sucker for those kind gestures. Im glad she taught me.

I went over to George's door and opened it for him with a smile.

"Thank you" he got out of the car carefully holding Patches and i shut the door behind him.

"Let's go" i smiled and walked up to the door and knocked. It was like she saw us outside before hand because the door opened very quickly.

"Dream!" Hi honey, she smiled and pulled me into a hug. I hugged back and chuckled. "Hi mom"

She pulled away. "Is this that George you always talk about hun?" She asked, she sounded really excited. I could see George smile when she said that.

George and i both chuckled.

"Yeah, i was gonna ask you about that actually."

"Well you two come in first, it's cold out there!"she smiled and moved out of the way.

Both of us walked in and she took us to the living room and we all sat down. George and i on one couch and her on the other.

I began to explain.

"I was too scared to fly. Well, not scared to fly, i was too scared to take Patches. I've never done that before and it terrifies me honestly"

"She would of been fine hun, you could of flew" she reassured.

I smiled. "Well, this one" i emphasized, "Wouldn't let me drive here by myself" i laughed.

My mom did a dramatic gasp like i do to tease the guys and looked at George. "Well im glad you didn't George, that's a long drive for one person" she looked back at me.

"I know i know, i could have done it just.. it would of been risky" i admitted almost shamefully.

"I wanted to ask about that though" i looked back at mom. "Can he stay since.. he doesn't really have another place?"

"I can get a hotel" he chimed in at almost a whisper. "Im not letting you get a hotel that's not fair" i whispered.

"Of course he can honey" mom smiled.

"Thank you mom" i smiled.

"You know the only empty room we have is yours though" she added

"I can sleep on the couch" i immediately spoke

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