The Trip Pt 2

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It's march now. The snow has settled down, at least the big snow storms are pretty much over and the roads are to say the least, to drive on now.

The city had shut down for a little bit because the snow had gotten so bad. I'm definitely not used to that part. Cabin fever is driving me absolutely crazy.

For about 4 months now ive had it planned to go back to Florida at some point and visit my mom and my two younger sisters and older brother.

Now that the snow is finally melting away for the season, and cabin fever has me ITCHING to get out of the house, im taking the opportunity and leaving today.

I don't plan to leave until later tonight which gives me plenty of time to get ready, and i need to make George aware.

I went and collected everything that i wanted to  bring to Florida with me and packed it all into my suitcase. I grabbed Patches little cat carrier as well and stuffed a blanket inside and one of her toys. Sapnap agreed to let me take her with me since my family wanted to see her.

I don't want to risk flying this time around because i've never flown with Patches and am too scared to just hand her off. I've got a long drive ahead. Oh boy.

After I finished packing i set all my stuff on my bed for now. I sat down and pulled out my phone and called up George.

"Hello?" He answered. He sounded like he'd just woken up. His voice was low and groggy.

"George, did i wake you?" I chuckled.

"No" he yawned immediately and i laughed.

"Shut up"

"I'm sorry, it's important"

"What is it" i heard shuffling on the other end which made me think he sat up.

"It's nothing bad don't like worry, i just figured i'd let you know im going to Florida for the weekend.

he was silent for a moment

"Wait, really?"

"I told my mom i'd come visit once the snow let up. They wanna see Patches too"

"Oh yeah that's right"

"Yeah, im leaving tonight"


I paused letting him finish.

"You're flying right?"

"Not this time around"

"Dream?? Are you insane-"

I was confused about this reaction.

"What do you mean?"

"That's like- that's like a" he trailed off and i waited.

"That's almost 18 hours Dream, you can't do that alone you'll fall asleep"

"I'll be fine George, im gonna stop half way and rest and then drive the rest of the way, i won't try to do it all in one."

"I don't want you to do that, Dream"

His voice became much softer. I could hear the concern in his voice growing.

"I have too George. I'm too afraid to trust the airlines with Patches"

"Where's sapnap?"

"He left town yesterday, he's visiting his family in Texas"

Their was a moment of silence before George spoke again.

"I'm coming with you."

"What? George-"



"I don't want you to do this alone, i'll get a hotel for the weekend if i have too i just-"

I cut him off. "You don't need a hotel"

He was silent, i could tell if we were with each other in person he'd be looking at me confused.

I'm sure my mom would be more than willing to let you stay, she already loves you even though you haven't officially met"

"You idiot, when are you leaving?" He chuckled. I could practically hear his smile.

I took the phone away from my ear and checked the time then put it back.

"About an hour and a half"

"Come get me, i'll get ready and pack while you're on your way"

We got off the phone and i went and took a shower then finished getting ready. I was already packed so i just had to take everything out to my car. I figured this would give George enough time to pack himself.

I threw on my coat and shoes and carried everything outside and put it in the trunk of my car. I went back in and walked to my room then grabbed the pet carrier and carefully grabbed Patches.

"I need you to get in your carrier okay? You won't be in it long" i put her in the carrier and reassured her. She's usually always been laid back about the carriers so im not too worried.

I carried her outside very carefully and locked the house door then put her in the back seat of the car. I quickly ran around and got in then drove to George's place.

I watched as he carried his things to the car and popped the trunk when he got close enough. He stuffed his things inside and shut the trunk then got in the car.

"Hey" i smiled

He immediately lightly punched my arm

"Are you crazy?" He couldn't help but lose it

I laughed. "Maybe a little bit"

"Stoppp" he whined. "What if you would of fallen asleep at the wheel, that wouldn't have ended well." He huffed.

"Well i have you now"

"Yeah, you better be glad you do" he joked and laughed.

"But seriously im not letting you drive the whole way"

I couldn't help but snicker. I shouldn't, but this was cute, i thought it was sweet that he's so concerned.

"Okay, I'll drive the first 8 and a half hours" i nodded.


"George, i promise i can handle it"

He crossed his arms

I chuckled. "I've done it before, it's not too bad"

He huffed again.

"Okay but if you get too tired or i see you getting too tired im making you pull over."

I chuckled. "Okay George"

I put the address into the GPS and set it up on the dash then began driving. We've got a long road ahead of us.

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