Slither Of Hope

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TW / derealization


The next morning rolled around. I opened my eyes slowly and rubbed them getting used to the light that was coming through the curtain window.

I looked down to see George still asleep, curled up on my chest. I smiled, remembering the events that took place last night.

I was very happy knowing he's here safe despite him being a little beat up, and he's mine.

I very carefully got out of bed being sure not to wake him up. I paused for a moment when i saw him move, but he was just getting comfy. I smiled and kissed his cheek before quietly leaving the room.

It only then hit me that im in George's house and not mine, i was headed for the bathroom but wasn't sure where it was, i looked around the hall for a minute before finally finding it.

After finishing up i walked back to George's room and laid back down with him. I held him in my arms closely until he woke up.

A little over an hour had gone by and George woke up. He stretched a bit and looked up at me and i smiled

"Good morning sunshine" i smiled and planted a soft kiss

"Good morning" He spoke softly and smiled, rubbing his eyes. He looks very pretty, even with his messy bed hair and sleepy voice, i love it all.

"How are you feeling today?" i cupped his chin softly and caressed his cheek with my thumb.

He smiled, leaning into my touch. "I still hurt"

I sympathized for him

"Do you need your meds love?"

He shook his head "I'm okay"

I nodded, "I need to head home for a little bit, i need to get a shower and a change of clothes but im gonna be right back. You get some rest okay?" I suggested softly.

"Don't take too long, i wanna lay with you" he chuckled.

I smiled. "You know how traffic was but i'll be as quick as i can"

We exchanged a few more words before i left his room. I went back to the living room and slid my shoes back on.

His mom walked in and i explained to her my plan then i slipped out the door and got back in my car and made my way back to my place.

About 45 minutes later i arrived home. I walked in the door, quickly sliding off my shoes and hung up my keys.

I made my way to my bedroom and grabbed out a clean change of clothes. It was Saturday so i just decided to grab a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. I planned to be laying with George anyways.

I made my way to the bathroom and started the water and let it run until it was my desired temperature. I quickly undressed and stepped into the shower and got all nice and clean.

After about 20 minutes, i got out and dried off and got myself changed then brushed my teeth and hair.

After putting my dirty clothes in the laundry, i walked out into the hall and headed back towards my room.

I got a bit of a jump scare when Sapnap walked out of his room.



"I wasn't sure when you were coming home" he chuckled

"Yeah i needed to change my clothes and get a shower in" i chuckled

"Understandable, so how's George doing?"

"He's doing better today i think, he's still in a lot of pain but he doesn't look as miserable"

"that's good, have you heard anything from the police?"

I shook my head

"I guess they haven't figured anything out yet"

"I guess not"

"I wish we could find out what caused this"

I nodded, "i havnt asked George himself about anything yet, i don't want to overwhelm him"

"I get that, we'll let him rest unless the cops need him"

I nodded.

The room fell into a comfortable silence for a few seconds.

"Your mom called me yesterday."

I shot my head up. "My mom??"

He nodded "yeah she called"

That sent my heart racing immediately from a slither of hope for what i thought may have been the reason why she called.

"She said she was going to call you but your phone must of been off or something"

"Shoot, yeah it was im sorry"

"It's okay, she said she had heard about George in the news so she was calling to see if he was okay. I told her everything i know"

"Oh yeah, i guess i fell too busy with everything to tell her about that"

My mom hasn't met George in person yet, i haven't gotten the chance to fly down to Florida let them meet properly, but i have been telling her everything. She knows how i feel about George, and how i have felt for a while, but she doesn't know that we're together now. I still need to call her about that. She probably suspects it anyways.

"i got her all caught up" he nodded with a smile.

"I need to take a trip to see her eventually, theirs so many things i wanna catch her up on"

"We'll have to take a trip down there pretty soon"

"Yeah, we should do that" i smiled.

The room fell quiet for a few seconds again before Sapnap broke the silence.

"You should get back to George, dude" he chuckled

"You're right, he told me not to take too long" i laughed

"Get back to his place, if his moms okay with it, send me his address later and i'll stop by."

I smiled "I will"

"Thank you"

I nodded and went back into my room. I grabbed a hoodie and a spare book at that i usually use for trips.

I packed a few outfits just incase George wanted me to stay longer. It's a bit of a drive between our two places so it makes it easier.

I threw the bag over my shoulder and grabbed my phone charger, putting it in my pocket then headed to the front door.

I walked out of the house and decided to check the mail before i left again since it's been a couple days.

I grabbed the few pieces of mail out of the box and looked through them to see if i needed to give something to Sapnap, when something caught my eye.

I looked up to see what i thought was a cat about 20 feet away from me, it looked like Patches.

"Patches?!" I immediately dropped my bag and ran to the animal. It started running as i got closer, eventually i got to a corner and the animal was no where to be found.

After stopping and catching my breath, i looked around a bit some more just to be sure, not a single cat was in sight.

I sighed. "This is just in your head again Dream." I walked back to the mailbox and picked my stuff then went and got in my car.

I put everything on the passengers seat and buckled up then started my journey back to George's house.


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