6. A new opportunity

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"George tells me all the time about your plans to renovate and make this place bigger. So [we] wanted to gift you $15,000 towards renovations!" Dream cheered as he handed Darrel the envelope.

Tammy began to jump up and down, crying with Joy.

"You're too kind! Darrel shook his head in disbelief of the kind gesture Dream and George had just blessed them with.

"It's all yours" George smiled.

"We can't thank you two enough!" Tammy smiled.

Darrell and Tammy brought the two in for a group hug.

"You have no idea how much this means to us. We've had dreams of having a bigger, better space for the longest time." Darrell said.

"We can't thank you enough" Tammy added.

"It's no problem" Dream said

"We just wanted to do something kind for you" George smiled.

"I don't know how we could ever repay you" Tammy smiled. "This means the world."

"No no, it's no problem really, just enjoy it" Dream replied.

The two continued to talk with Darrell and Tommy for a while before leaving for the night.

"How long did you have that planned?" George asked.

"Ohh" Dream paused and grabbed George's hand as they began walking back to the hotel.

"Honestly i only just thought about it yesterday."


Dream chuckled softly.

"Yeah.. when i was thinking about what all we would do while we're here, i remembered all the times you had told me about Darrell and Tommy, and about all their plans with the restaurant. I thought it'd be nice to surprise them while we're here." He smiled.

"That was the sweetest thing, Dream." George smiled.

"I thought you'd like that." he smiled.

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