Phone Call

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George's pov:
Today is the last day of the trip. Dream, his mom and sister and i are all up bright and early because she wanted to take us all out for breakfast before Dream and i start our very long drive back home.

Normally im the slug in the morning but this time it's Dream. I had a hard time getting him awake, i had to wake him a few times before he actually got up and got ready.

We all just piled up into his moms car. Her and Drista are up front and Dream and i are in the back. Dream has his head resting on my shoulder and is cuddled up against me already nearly asleep again.

Hopefully the coffee will wake him up, i might be doing the first half of the driving tonight.


The car ride seemed to go by pretty fast. I noticed last days of trips normally do fly. Before we knew it we were piling up into a booth.

"Does everyone know what they're getting?"

"I have my order" Drista spoke immediately.

"I do" i looked over at George, he was still looking through the menu. I remembered he's never been here before.

"They have French toast" i whispered to him. He smiled and looked over at me, i carefully took his menu and flipped to the page that it's on and showed him. It's his favorite thing.

"I do too" he smiled.

After a bit the waiter came and took all of our orders, they brought out drinks and went back to make our food.

"Are you guys excited to get back home?" Mom looked over at George and i. I sighed.

"I had a lot of fun here, this week was amazing. but it will be nice to be back. Sapnap should be getting home today" i smiled.

"Yeah it'll be nice to see him again" George smiled.

"I'm glad you boys have had fun" my mom smiled. "It's been really nice to have you two, you'll have to visit again"

"we'll definitely be back" i reassured. "Especially when Summer officially hits and all the beaches open back up" i looked at George and smiled. "We'll have to have a beach day"

Soon enough our food was brought out. Our group fell into a comfortable silence for a bit while we ate and enjoyed our breakfast. My mom used to take us kids to this cafe a lot when i was younger, it's always been a sentimental place to me.

I was dragged out of my train of thought when George's phone went off, he was getting a phone call. He tapped my shoulder and let me know he was going to the bathroom.

Mom started talking to me again about plans when i got back to New York and small things like that.

"So where does George live again? He's in England right?"

I shook my head. "He's from England, but he lives in New York" i smiled

"Oh that's right! You told me that hun im sorry i got confused" she laughed

"No no it's okay, it is a bit of an interesting situation"

"So do you guys live close?"

"Well- yes and no" i trailed off. "We're about 45 minutes away, but for New York that can definitely easily turn into an hour+ depending on the day" I laughed

"Ah i see"

"Yep" i laughed, "but im thankful it's not any farther"

Shortly, George came back to the table and sat down next to me

I turned my attention to the beautiful boy and smiled. "Welcome back"

"Thank you" he spoke quietly with a soft smile" his cheeks looked slightly flushed, like he's upset.

I don't know what was just discussed on that phone call, but i hope everything's okay.

Eventually we finished up our breakfast and piled back into the car.

Their was a comfortable silence for a while before Drista plugged in her phone into the AUX and started blasting music.

I looked at George and whispered to him.

"Is everything okay love?"

He looked back at me and nodded and clung to my side. A comfortable silence fell before i asked another question.

"What about that phone call?"

I'll tell you about it when we get back" he whispered. I nodded and wrapped my arms around him.

Eventually we were back home. We all already got settled into the house and George and i are in my room packing up our things. I walked over to him quietly.

"So the phone call?" I looked at him

He put the clothes he was holding down and looked at me. It took him a moment before he spoke up.

"It was my parents"

My eyes widened. "Are they okay?"

He nodded "they're perfectly fine"

I nodded "that's good, that's good"

"But" he trailed off. Oh no. I stayed silent letting him continue.

"They got a job offer with some big name company"

I looked at him a little confused. "That's good.. right?"

He sighed

"It's back in London."

I looked at him shocked.

"What? But you guys haven't even been here for half a year?"

"This happens all the time" he trailed off. "We never get to stay in one place, we're always moving." He looked at me with a frown.


"Apparently the company has already moved us back to the UK. It happened while we've been gone, Dream."

I frowned. "You're going back with them?"

He sighed and hugged me. "I have too"

I hugged back. "Im sorry George, this sucks"

"They booked me a flight back, i have to go as soon as we get back to New York" he rested his head on my shoulder.

"Do you know if you'll be back?"

"Possibly..." he sounded unsure of himself.

"It will probably just be to visit if anything"

I nodded and rubbed his back. "You'll have to come visit Sapnap and i"

"I will" he nodded. I could hear a muffled sniffle. We stayed like this for a little bit and i comforted him before pulling away from the hug.

"C'mon, we've gotta get back. Look, we still have about a day left let's make the most of it" i smiled.

He smiled and grabbed his things, i grabbed the rest and patches and we said our goodbyes to my family then got into the car and began our journey back to New York.


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