Washed up

337 10 4

7 years into the future ...

Dream found himself back in the town that started it all. Orlando. He sighed as he walked into a local market in shame. He had just turned down his big manager for a new tour, hopped on a plane, and flew back to Florida in a span of 15 hours. He's warn out, tired, and besides, he only just finished a whole tour only a month ago.

Defeated, he scanned the shelves and grabbed a few things, some snacks and something to drink. He took his things up to the front and placed them down in silence for the cashier. He couldn't bare to even make eye contact, he just stood there as he watched the hands of the cashier swiftly scan his items.

"Stopping for a quick refresher?" The cashier spoke. His voice was all too familiar, Dream looked up in shock.

"You're looking a little defeated" he added.

"Karl?" Dream blurred out.

"Why are you back here?" Karl asked.

There was a moment of awkward silence.

"Uh.." Dream paused. "Just passing by."

Karl raised an eyebrow.

"Oh really?" He snickered. Dream shook his head.



Karl put down the scanner and Dream's items.

"I have all day Dream. What's up?"

Dream sighed.

"My Manager wanted me to do another tour, this time European. I turned him down, and now he's mad so .. i ran away i guess."

"Why did you run"

Dream shrugged. "No motivation i guess. I'm not going to be forced to do something i don't want to do."

"I understand".

"I don't know what im going to do. I haven't talked to anybody else here in years."

"I mean.. you did kind of really hurt George you know.. and Sapnap, and ... well, everybody in this town."

"I know"

"You know how close everyone is, and how much you mean to everybody. When you left.. you betrayed us all.

Dream nodded. "I know I know, im sorry."

"It's gonna take a little more than a sorry, Dream. I'm the easier one out of everyone else you're going to run into while you're back here."

"I know" Dream nodded.

Karl finished ringing Dreams things up. "13.46 is your total."

Dream grabbed his wallet and pulled his card out. He flipped it back and fourth trying to figure out which side to put it in.

"Chip side facing you."

"Got it." Dream swiped his card. He's never paid for his own things so this is something he'd have to get used to without his assistant by his side.

"I'll see you around. Dream mumbled and quickly headed out the door.

Dream sat in his car and sighed. He debated on where to go, whether it's his parents house, or the one he moved out of, he'll have people mad at him either way.

"Parents house for the night it is."

The next day Dream found himself at his favorite coffee shop he used to visit when he still lived here. He still remembers all the memories, from meeting Daryl and Tammy, introducing George to this place and the people who made it such an amazing place for him, granting them the funds to remodel it and make it even more special, and taking George here. He loved taking George here when they got the chance to visit Florida. He was sat at a table for 2 tucked in one of the corners of the little shop. After a while he decided he was thirsty, he went up to the counter to order.

"Hi i'd like to order an iced vanilla caramel frappe, Ven-" he was caught off guard when he looked over at the barista and saw another familiar face. When he realized who it was his face turned pale as a ghost.

"George I-" his heart sunk to his stomach.

George glared at him. "One Venti, iced vanilla caramel frappe coming up."

"Got it" Dream looked down at his feet. The extreme amount of guilt he was feeling for what he did was almost unbearable.

"George look I'm sorry-" Dream was quickly cut off by the sound of the blender.

"Fine." Dream stood back and waited in silence for his drink.

After a few moments George finished. "8.72 is your total."

"Yep" Dream paid for his drink.

"Look, George, i know you're still mad but-"

"But what!? Do you expect me to forgive you after you left me? Left all of us with no warning?"

"I know, i know, that was really stupid of me."

George put his things down and snickered. "It wasn't just stupid, it was pathetic, Dream. You are so pathetic.

"Hey hey, i know i fucked up. Okay? I'm really, truly sorry and i want to prove that."

"I'll be shocked if you don't just run away again, like you always do."


"I can't do this." "George shook his head. "Im at work Dream."

"George please"

I really cant do this right now! George yelled. "Leave. Just get it over with and go disappoint everyone here again." He began to tear up and quickly walked into the back room.

He stood there in complete shock. He couldn't even argue because he knew everything George was saying was true. He was pathetic, he took the easy way out and ran from all his problems. Like he always does.

Like he did with his manager.

The cycle always repeats.

He had never heard George raise his voice before, at least not in an angry tone, and not with him.

He looked around at the people who had just witnessed that go down and quickly left the coffee shop in shame.

Dream got back in his car and began driving. He needed fresh air after that and definitely not another encounter with anyone he knew; but in Florida that's really hard to do, especially when he's a popular singer that everyone in this city knows.

Dream found a park and he stopped the car there and hit the steering wheel. "All I did was fuck everything up! Why did i even come back here!?. He huffed in frustration.

"I have to talk to Sapnap." Dream pulled out his phone and hesitated for a second. Karl and George were both pretty angry with him, he was afraid to see how angry Sapnap is.

He took a deep breath and dialed his number.

His stomach sank when he realized it actually went through.


"Hey, it's Dream."

End of chapter

Word count: 1115

Hello!! Thank you all for reading. I have a really cool idea for this next phase of this book and I really hope it actually works out. Stay tuned for the next chapters !!

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