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He didn't fight it, he held up his arms as best as he could and i grabbed one wrapping across my shoulders and picked him up carefully.

I walked him back to his room and helped him lay down very carefully. I took off his shoes for him as well.

"Do you want a different shirt to sleep in? something more baggy maybe"

He shook his head. "I don't want a shirt"

"Are you sure i mean you probably need to be watching your body te-"

He spoke "i want you to lay with me if that's okay" he said with such a gentle tone. He almost looked afraid that he made the worst mistake in his life by asking that.

I think i actually saw him tearing up. The pain was probably getting to him.

"It's not a problem at all" i spoke softly, in that tone that i only ever use when talking to him. In reality i was dying inside from the fact that he just asked me to lay with him again.

"Do you want some sweatpants?"

He nodded and clung to his pillow, he was so vulnerable. "They're in the 3rd drawer down"

I nodded and walked over to the dresser, opening the drawer and pulling out the first pair i saw.

"You want me to help you?" He nodded. He looked so miserable from what he had just gone through

"Can you stand up for me? Just real quick?"

He nodded and sat up, grabbing my shoulders for support and got off the bed and stood.

I carefully helped him change into sweats and let him lay back down. He went back to clinging to the pillow.

"I'll be right back im gonna get you some pain meds okay?"

He nodded and i walked out of the room quickly

It killed me to see him like this. I felt so bad, he looked to be in so much pain and it kills me.

I walked into the kitchen to grab his medicine the doctor had prescribed him.

I wiped the silent tears that had fallen down my cheeks and looked up to see George's mom sitting at the kitchen table, i quickly re-gained my composure.

It caught me off guard a bit because i thought they would have gone to bed.

She looked up at me. "Thank you so much for everything again"

"Of course" i smiled. "Im glad he's okay" i grabbed his prescription off the table.

"Is it okay if i get a glass of water? George needs some pain meds"

"Yeah of course! We actually have bottled water in the fridge."

"Thank you so much"

"Of course hun, if you need anything else don't hesitate to let us know. Come wake us up we won't mind"

I got a water bottle from the fridge and nodded. "I will, thank you so much"

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