2: Our Destination

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As our trip came to an end, i pulled up into the parking lot that held the beautiful resort and parked the car.

"Well, we're here" i smiled and put the car into park.

"Thank god, i need to stretch" George unbuckled and got out of the car.

I laughed and got out as well. "You have all the time in the world now, king"

He stopped mid stretch and rolled his eyes at me. "Stop"

I busted out laughing. "Hey im just saying"

I unlocked the trunk and grabbed our luggage out, George grabbed what was his and i shut it back down.

"Let's head inside"

We walked into the lobby of the resort and i walked up to the check in.

"Hello, i booked a suite for two yesterday?"

"What is the name"


"One second please."

The receptionist typed away at her keyboard for a second while she did her thing. I looked back at George to see him looking all around the place.

I wonder what he's thinking in this moment. He's never even been to Florida.

I wonder if he's ever been to a resort right on the beach like this. I'm so excited to show him everything.

He already looks like a little kid on Christmas and we're just in the lobby.

I was shaken out of my daydream of thoughts when i heard my name called.


I looked back at the receptionist who was holding up our room key.

"Oh sorry! Thank you so much"

She tilted her head over and looked at George, then looked back at me with a sweet smile.

"Room 234. Have fun" she handed me the key.

"Thank you so much"

She had this look on her face like she could read my thoughts, her smile seemed really genuine. I couldn't help but smile.

I walked back over to George

"Got the room key"

"Amazing, let's go see our room"

I smiled and began heading that way with George. Our room is two flights up so we took the elevator.

We walked through the hallway and i scoped out our suite number.

"This is the one!"

I walked over to the door and looked at George.

"Are you read for this?"

He snickered and smiled. "Open the doorrrr my feet are tired"

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