The one

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After driving for almost 9 hours, George and i agreed to find a hotel in Virginia and stop for the night. I got out of the car and went inside while George stayed out with Patches, we weren't sure if she would be allowed in so i wanted to check first. Eventually i got a room booked and the okay to bring Patches along. I ran back out to the car and got George and grabbed our suitcases.

I unlocked the door to our room and let George walk in first.

"Woah" he mumbled.

"This is nice isn't it?" I laughed and shut the door.

"I didn't expect anything too fancy since we're just staying to sleep"

I patted his shoulder. "Go get a shower if you'd like, i'll get us some food. I brought our clothes in" i smiled.

He smiled and handed Patches to me and went off to shower.

I sat on the bed for a moment and took her out of her carrier. "C'mere sweetheart" i held her in my arms for a moment and pet her before letting her down. She was probably tired of sitting in that thing.

After a bit i had our food ordered and delivered and waited for George to come back out.

"Feel better now?" I smiled.

"Definitely" he laughed and walked over to me.

"I got our food" i smiled, i grabbed it and brought it over.

"Thank god, thank you Dream" he smiled.

After a bit we finished our food and i took my shower and got changed into something to sleep in and went back out.

George was laying on the bed watching tv wrapped up in a blanket and patches was right beside him, he looked like he could fall on the floor and sleep for the next 10 years at any moment. His eyes were half lidded and i could tell he was struggling to keep them open.

I turned off the room light since the tv was on and chuckled. "You sleepy?"

"Hmm?" He looked up at me and nodded. "Very" he cuddled into his pillow.

"Let's get some rest, we've still have another 8 hours to go tomorrow" i smiled and laid on the couch. I definitely should have gotten a room with 2 beds, whoops.

Just as i started to get comfy i heard my name.

"Dream" i sat up and looked over at George who was also sat up looking at me.

"Yeah George?"

"Don't sleep on the couch" he frowned, "you're a giant, you're gonna hurt tomorrow"

I couldn't help but chuckle at the giant comment. "I'll be fine George" I reassured.

"Come sleep up here" he scooted over to one side and patted the spot next to him.

I got up and went and laid down on the bed, he pulled the blanket out and i covered up.

"Goodnight George" i smiled


I turned and looked at him.

He smiled and moved over and cuddled up next to me. He rested his head on my chest and wrapped an arm over it loosely and i wrapped my arms around him.

I held him close and placed a kiss on his head. "Goodnight honeybun" i smiled

"Goodnight, Dream"

Soon enough morning rolled around. I got up early and packed up all of our stuff. Not that we brought much in, i just didn't want to accidentally leave anything, and i figured i'd let George sleep a little longer.

After about a half an hour i woke George up and soon enough we got our stuff in the trunk and patches safely back in the back seat.

After a bit of convincing, George let me get back in the drivers seat and let me drive the rest of the way to Florida.


Ive seen all the comments about the confusion regarding this chapter, so i took that out. I honestly don't remember why that was in there but i must have gotten confused when writing this, so to avoid confusion for future readers, that part is gone. Yes, George and Dream were already dating at this point 😅

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